Ker se leto bliža koncu, smo vam želeli dati nekaj dodatne moči, da končate zadnjih nekaj krogov v letu 2024 v stilu! Podarjamo do 25% popusta na določene izdelke!
Spodaj si oglejte naše najbolj znižane izdelke. Želite še več odličnih najdb? Pojdite do najbližjega pooblaščenega prodajalca KTM. Zaloga je omejena, zato raje pohitite in vzemite svoj motor.
Ref: 3RB24000210X
Ref: 3PW23000270x
Ref: 3PW24001250X
Ref: 3AG240074100|
Ref: 79614901100
Ref: 79505900044
Ref: 61912978000
Ref: 61413902044
Torej, če ne želite, da vas konkurenca pusti za seboj, obiščite dneve KTM 'POWER SHOPPING' med 12. 11. in 31. 12. 2024. Pojdite do svojega najljubšega prodajalca zdaj!
The discount, promotion period, and offers may vary from dealer to dealer and are valid while supplies last. Offer available only at participating authorized KTM Sportmotorcycle GmbH dealers. KTM Sportmotorcycle GmbH has no influence on the discounts offered by individual dealers, and the offer may be changed or discontinued at any time without prior notice or reason. All details are non-binding and specified with the proviso that errors, for instance in printing, setting, and/or typing, may occur; such information is subject to change without notice at any time.