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From conception to development, get exclusive access and join us as we go behind the scenes and look at the fascinating process of bringing the all-new KTM 1390 SUPER DUKE R to life in this in-depth look at the BIRTH OF THE BEAST 4.0. Get ready to meet the stars of the show – the passionate and dedicated engineers whose relentless pursuit of perfection turned dreams into a 1,350 cc, 190 PS reality. Then, from the test bench to the track, there’s no substitute for a real rider’s feel, and who better than former MotoGP™ racer Jeremy McWilliams to put the developments to the test. The ultimate result… Not only the most fearsome DUKE ever created, but the stand-out leader of the Hyper Naked category.


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Dal 9 all'11 giugno 2023 KTM ti invita Mugello, per trascorrere il week-end della MotoGP™ in perfetto stile READY TO RACE. Per chi acquista il biglietto per la tribuna dedicata ai tifosi “orange”, in omaggio il KTM Fan Package!


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In just a few months’ time the third running of the incredibly popular European Junior e-Motocross Series will kick-off at the MXGP of Spain with registrations for the ground-breaking series now officially open. As in previous years, entries are open to 6–8-year-olds (age taken on January 1, 2023) with each event taking place alongside events on the FIM Motocross World Championship calendar.  Positively showcasing two-wheeled e-motorsport competition since its inception in 2021, the 2023 series is expected to be the best yet. The exciting championship allows KTM to emphasize its commitment towards electric-powered motorcycles and is the perfect starting point for ambitious young racers to quickly develop their skills by competing on MXGP racetracks. The European Junior e-Motocross Series is open to all KTM SX-E 5 riders and will continue to utilize the same proven race format in 2023. A timed qualifying session seeds riders onto the start line for each of the two races with the top three overall climbing onto the podium to celebrate their success, just like their MXGP heroes. Starting earlier than previous seasons, the MXGP of Spain on May 7 hosts the opening round with the remaining four events taking place during the early summer months. Familiar venues return aside from round two in France, which visits the superb Villars sous Ecot. Round three takes place at Teutschenthal, Germany before the series then culminates with a two-day event at Loket, the MXGP of Czech Republic, on July 15-16, where the overall champion will be crowned. With registrations reaching full capacity well ahead of the first round in both 2021 and 2022, the parents of ambitious young riders are urged to secure a place on the start line as soon as possible. The only requirement to ensure entry is for riders to be affiliated with their national federation and to commit to a minimum of three events. Every young rider who competes on state-of-the-art KTM SX-E 5 minicycles will receive an exciting selection of products from the KTM PowerWear range. Designed with the same race-winning intent as KTM SX-E 5, the pit wear, merchandise, and accessories provided will ensure all youngsters dress with a professional appearance in the paddock. Riders and their families will also experience track walks with elite racers, enjoy a tour of the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing pits, and discover just what goes on inside the MXGP paddock during a race weekend. And should the eventual 2023 European Junior e-Motocross Series Champion be mounted on a KTM SX-E 5, an incredible prize is on offer – an exclusive training session with Red Bull KTM Factory Racing! For further information on the 2023 European Junior e-Motocross Series and to secure a place on the start line, please visit - Riaan Neveling - Head of Global Marketing KTM: “The 2022 European Junior e-Motocross Series was, for lack of a better word, electric! Not only did it showcase the true READY TO RACE capabilities of the KTM SX-E 5, but it also proved that electric power has a place in motorsport. This series has given KTM the perfect platform to show the world how good our e-powered motocross bikes can be and will continue to be into 2023. On behalf of KTM, we are really excited about the third year of the European Junior e-Motocross Series and look forward to bringing more action in 2023.” Calendar – 2023 European Junior e-Motocross Series
  • Round 1: 7 May, MXGP of Spain – intu Xanadú - Arroyomolinos
  • Round 2: 21 May, MXGP of France – Villars sous Ecot
  • Round 3: 11 June, MXGP of Germany - Teutschenthal
  • Round 4: 15 July, MXGP of Czech Republic – Loket
  • Round 5: 16 July, MXGP of Czech Republic – Loket

Trofeo Enduro KTM: la sfida prende quota

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Caldo, tanto caldo. Nonostante il bellissimo percorso che si snodava tutto tra gli 800 e i 1.200 metri di quota, lo scorso 17 luglio la quarta tappa del Trofeo Enduro KTM edizione 2022 a Villagrande di Montecopiolo (RN) è stata caratterizzata dalle temperature torride e dal fondo secco e polveroso. Il Moto Club Acerboli ha preparato una bella gara, composta da tre giri da 60 km ciascuno con due prove speciali al loro interno: un Cross Test che toccava anche il locale campo da cross e un Enduro Test che in alcuni tratti attraversava gli impianti di risalita di quella che fu una delle più belle stazioni sciistiche del centro Italia. Entrambe le speciali si sono rivelate piuttosto lunghe e impegnative, soprattutto all’interno di un giro gara che, seppur non particolarmente difficile dal punto di vista tecnico, lo è diventato per effetto delle temperature torride che hanno accompagnato i piloti fin dal mattino. Saggia ed efficace a questo proposito la decisione presa dagli organizzatori, d’accordo con il track inspector Giovanni Sala, di portare da tre a due per minuto le partenze, in modo da ridurre gli effetti della polvere sollevata ad ogni passaggio.
In perfetto stile romagnolo la grande carica di tutti gli uomini dello staff di Piero Della Pasqua e del sindaco Pietro Rossi, presente all’avvio con la sua KTM enduro e la fascia tricolore sul completo tecnico; non è mancata nemmeno la benedizione del parroco alla partenza. Affollato come sempre il parco chiuso, realizzato come il resto del villaggio KTM nel centro del paese, chiuso al traffico per l’occasione. Sempre numerosissimi i partenti, con 210 piloti al via oltre a una ventina di wild card. Tra queste si è segnalato Alessandro Esposto, che ha vinto la classifica assoluta al termine di un duello letteralmente arroventato con Stefen Simpson, fratello del pilota di MXGP Shawn Simpson e a sua volta specialista della sabbia, attualmente in forze all’R&D di Mattighofen. A Villagrande hanno corso anche altri tre uomini di Mattighofen, che hanno apprezzato la formula “race & fun” del Trofeo. Gara svolta senza intoppi e senza “spoiler”, nel senso che la suspence resta al massimo in tutte le classi: il livello molto alto dei concorrenti ha fatto sì che in nessuna classe sia ancora stato assegnato il titolo. Persino nella 250 4T, dove il dominatore Matteo Del Coco, incappato in una caduta che ha comportato una piccola frattura alla mano, ha dovuto ritirarsi. Anche per lui discorso rimandato dunque alla gara conclusiva di Volterra, che ci si aspetta davvero da coltello tra i denti in tutte le classi. Ecco i vincitori di giornata della quarta prova: Alessandro Esposto (Top Class)
Giovanni Lippolis (125)
Giuseppe Arangio Febbo (250 2T)
Denny Muttoni (300)
Alessio Ferrera (250 4T)
Jacopo Vinicio Vannucchi (450)
Moreno Lintozzi (Veteran 2T)
Mattias Faelt (Veteran 4T)
Elena Ghelfi (Femminile)
Massimo Lago (Iron)
Giancarlo Lenzotti (Super Iron)
Eugenio Sala (Revival)
Andrea Rastrelli (Vintage)
Marcello Famiglietti (Freeride)
Lorenzo Traglio (Bicilindriche)
Stefan John Simpson (Special KTM) Il Challenge dedicato alla memoria di Nanni Tamiatto va al veneto Massimo Lago, mentre tra i concessionari si impone ancora una volta Corti Motorsport di Albavilla di poco davanti a Cocconcelli Moto; tra le squadre inarrivabile il M.C. Broncino (CO). Le classifiche complete di giornata e di campionato si trovano sul sito ; tutte le informazioni sul Trofeo Enduro KTM sono come sempre su . L’appuntamento conclusivo con il Trofeo Enduro KTM 2022 sarà domenica 9 ottobre 2022 a Volterra, con un clima sicuramente più fresco e la competente organizzazione del M.C. Pomarance. Una gara tiratissima che assegnerà tutti i titoli 2022 e una grande festa dell’off-road, anche perché si tornerà a correre in concomitanza con il Trofeo Enduro Husqvarna e il Trofeo Enduro GASGAS.


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MotoGP™, la massima espressione delle competizioni a due ruote su asfalto: il rombo dei motori, il profumo della benzina e l'adrenalina che scorre a fiumi! In questo contesto, KTM offre ai propri tifosi la possibilità di trascorrere il week-end della MotoGP™ al Mugello presso la tribuna KTM. Per acquistare il biglietto presso la tribuna più “orange” del circuito toscano bastano pochi click: attraverso il portale Ticketone , una volta scelta la data, è necessario selezionare “ scelta in pianta ” e successivamente “ Tribuna Materassi ”. Apparirà la piantina della pista, dove selezionando “ M2 ” sarà possibile scegliere il posto nell’area KTM della Tribuna Materassi 2.


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Il prossimo fine settimana, a Ponte di Legno, si terrà la terza tappa di HAT Adventourfest. Per l’occasione KTM sarà presente con il Concessionario ufficiale GTG Motogamma, che presenterà i più recenti modelli della gamma stradale 2024. Ospiti d’onore due leggende dell’enduro italiano: Mario Rinaldi e Stefano Passeri! Il prossimo weekend del 15 e 16 giugno si terrà a Ponte di Legno (BS) la terza tappa degli HAT Adventourfest, la serie di eventi organizzati da Over2000riders, in occasione dei quali clienti e appassionati possono effettuare un test ride le principali novità proposte dalle Case. Per l’occasione, KTM sarà presente con lo staff della Concessionaria GTG Motogamma di Brescia, che metterà a disposizione i modelli 2024 della gamma TRAVEL, NAKED, SPORTS TOURER e SUPERMOTO per un tour guidato di circa mezz'ora. Oltre allo staff della Concessionaria, nel paddock dell’evento saranno presenti Mario Rinaldi e Stefano Passeri, leggende dell’enduro mondiale, pronti a incontrare il pubblico di appassionati e raccontare i mille aneddoti legati alle loro gloriose carriere.
Appuntamento, dunque, sabato 15 e domenica 16 giugno presso l’HAT VILLAGE, allestito in piazzale Cida, sulla strada che porta a due mitici passi da percorrere in moto: il Gavia e il Tonale.
Per prenotare un test ride, clicca QUI.
Per maggiori informazioni sull'evento, visita il seguente link:


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Le nuove KTM 990 DUKE e 1390 SUPER DUKE R, così come molti altri modelli della gamma 2024, stanno arrivando presso gli showroom dei Concessionari Ufficiali. Prenota un test con la KTM dei tuoi sogni attraverso la piattaforma “Book A Test Ride”! Il 2024 è l’anno della DUKE, “marchio nel marchio” all’interno della gamma stradale di KTM e leader nel segmento Naked. Per celebrare questo importante anniversario e festeggiare con gli Orange Days l’arrivo dei modelli stradali 2024, i Concessionari KTM aprono le porte dei propri showroom a clienti e appassionati della Casa austriaca, che dal 6 al 21 aprile potranno prenotare un test ride con le moto più READY TO RACE del mercato! Il focus di quest’anno è sicuramente sui modelli NAKED 2024 - dalla leggera e agile 390 DUKE alla "ipervitaminizzata" 1390 SUPER DUKE R – ma i Dealer KTM sono comunque pronti a mettere a disposizione tutti i modelli stradali, specialmente quelli della gamma SPORTS TOURER, TRAVEL e SUPERMOTO. I test sono prenotabili con pochi click attraverso la piattaforma “Book a Test Ride”. La procedura è molto semplice e dopo aver selezionato il modello preferito e la località, in pochi secondi apparirà un elenco di Concessionari KTM dove la moto è disponibile per la prova dinamica. Come sempre, gli Orange Days saranno anche l’occasione per scoprire le novità della collezione abbigliamento KTM PowerWear e gli accessori originali KTM PowerParts. I Concessionari KTM sono pronti a fornire ulteriori informazioni sugli orari di apertura degli showroom e sulla disponibilità delle moto in prova. Attenzione: abbigliamento tecnico appropriato e protezioni sono obbligatorie!


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KTM ti invita al Mugello dal 31 maggio al 2 giugno 2024 per trascorrere il week-end della MotoGP™ in perfetto stile READY TO RACE. Per chi acquista il biglietto per la tribuna dedicata ai tifosi “orange”, in omaggio il Fan Package KTM!

KTM lancia l'iniziativa 2+2 Extended Warranty

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Guida sereno con KTM! Grazie all’iniziativa “2+2 EXTENDED WARRANTY”, fino al 31 dicembre le moto equipaggiate con l’iconico bicilindrico LC8 di Mattighofen godranno dell’estensione di garanzia del costruttore di ben due anni. Inoltre, fino al 30 settembre, tutti i modelli 1290 SUPER DUKE e 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE potranno essere acquistati con ben 2.000 euro di vantaggi.

Tutto pronto per la quarta tappa del Trofeo Enduro KTM 2023

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Mancano pochi giorni alla quarta tappa del Trofeo Enduro KTM 2023, in programma nel weekend del 9 e 10 settembre a Cairo Montenotte. Come sempre, nell’accogliente cittadina dell’entroterra savonese è prevista la pacifica invasione di oltre 300 trofeisti, pronti a darsi battaglia fino all’ultima speciale!


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The KTM Group’s racing and production alliance with high quality lubricant firm, Motorex, will reach two decades of longevity in 2023. A renewed deal between Europe’s largest motorcycle manufacturer and the Swiss specialists will continue to see Motorex as the ‘first fill’ choice for the KTM Group’s brands as well as the principal option in various world championship race disciplines.


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Securing victory at the 2023 Dakar Rally with Kevin Benavides, KTM secured its 19th win at the most grueling and iconic of all off-road events. Not only that, KTM secured an incredible one-two finish with the fight for the win literally going down to the final few kilometers of the two-week-long competition. It was Kevin Benavides’ incredible consistency and speed over the 14 stages of racing that paid off, with the Argentinian racer coming from 12 seconds behind on the penultimate day to clinch the win after a blinding display of riding on the very final stage. His Red Bull KTM Factory Racing teammate Toby Price, who eventually placed second, can hold his head high, as the two-time Dakar Champion fought right to the finish, ultimately losing out by an agonizing 43 seconds.

The 2023 event will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the toughest ever for a variety of reasons. Riders covered well over 8,000 kilometers in total, and close to 5,000 of them were raced against the clock. If the unforgiving Saudi desert wasn’t tough enough, the heavy rains that fell over the first week of racing threw another challenge into the mix with flooded rivers and muddy lake beds making racing and navigating even tougher. Add that to the two weeks of early mornings and minimal sleep and you end up with not only one of the most physically demanding events in the world, but one of the most mentally draining, too.

The first week of racing at this year’s Dakar went incredibly well for the KTM-mounted desert warriors. Kevin Benavides was lying second overall and was closely followed in third by the young, up-and-coming American Mason Klein. One place behind Mason, Toby Price was less than two minutes behind the leader on what was already shaping up to be one of the tightest Dakars in history. Rounding out the top 10 after stage eight was Matthias Walkner – not the position the Austrian wanted to occupy, but after crashing on day two and injuring his wrist, the fact that he was even able to continue was outstanding.

Going into the second week of racing it was all about the dunes. And while the navigation was perhaps less demanding, the ability to read the terrain became far more important. Mason Klein, who had already topped stage two, unfortunately suffered two crashes on the first day back after the rest day. Although he was able to continue, the injuries he sustained would eventually rule him out of contention. The 21-year-old future star was forced to throw in the towel on day 12. Matthias Walkner was also forced to withdraw one day later when a crash near the start of the special on day 13 resulted in the Austrian being airlifted to hospital. Thankfully Matthias sustained no serious injuries.

At the close of that 13th day, Kevin Benavides, who had topped the timesheets despite stopping to aid the injured Walkner, trailed his teammate Price by just 12 seconds. The Dakar was going to come down to a 138-kilometer sprint on the final day. With the start order reversed for stage 14, Benavides set off second to last, with Price just three minutes behind. The two KTM 450 RALLY riders both gave everything they had over that final special, but there would be just one winner – Kevin Benavides.

With navigation proving critical on the final day of competition, by missing a couple of waypoints and being forced to turn back, Toby Price finished the stage 55 seconds down on Benavides. The final result gave Benavides victory and an incredible 19th Dakar win for KTM. With Price rounding out the top two overall, it was an incredible fortnight of racing for the whole Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team.

Kevin Benavides:   “It’s been an amazing day! I just focused on every kilometer from the first to the last. I didn’t think about the position or the result I just gave my 100 percent over the whole stage and tried to enjoy the day. The final special was really fast and tricky, and so muddy – thankfully I didn’t make any big mistakes, but it would have been easy to have an issue out there. I have worked so hard for this. This year’s rally has been one of the closest ever and there wasn’t a single day where you could afford to ease off. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my team, and all my family and friends. It’s going to take a little while to sink in, I can’t describe this feeling right now.”

Toby Price:   “So, so close. Yeah, a great job from Kevin, he did really well. I knew it was going to be tight, and of course I pushed right from the start all through the stage. I just missed three waypoints by virtually meters, and it dropped me back. Obviously, the goal is to win, and it’s frustrating to miss out by such a narrow margin. But I’m fit, healthy, and I’m going home with a trophy, so that’s the most important thing. I’m ready for another one next year.”

Norbert Stadlbauer – Rally Team Manager:   “It's been an incredible Dakar – one of the toughest in history and definitely the closest! It’s been such a close battle inside the Red Bull KTM team with Toby and Kevin separated by just 12 seconds going into the final day today. Thankfully, the performances of both riders gave KTM a one-two in the race, with Kevin earning his second win and the 19th for KTM. Of course, you can’t have two winners, but Toby claiming second place is still an incredible achievement and down to the hard work he has put in over the two weeks. The team have also done an amazing job, not just at the event, but also over the whole of the past year building up to this race. Now it’s time to celebrate before we look ahead to the next race in the season.”

Pit Beirer, KTM Motorsports Director:   “Beside the riders, I’m maybe the happiest man on the planet right now. It’s amazing after this long journey and this tough race, to have only 12 seconds separating the two guys coming into this final day. And then for them to push so hard over the stage and reach the finish line safely and in first and second is incredible. After around 5,000 kilometers and over 40 hours of racing, to have them so close is unheard of, and the whole team did an amazing job to get them here in this position. What it came down to was basically a motocross race for 130 kilometers. Both riders did an amazing job, and even though you can only have one winner, I’m hugely proud of them both, as the pressure was really on today. KTM now have 19 wins at the toughest offroad race in the world, but we won't stop there. We're already looking forward to this season and then the 2024 Dakar next year.”

Overall Standings – 2023 Dakar Rally

1. Kevin Benavides (ARG), KTM, 44:27:20
2. Toby Price (AUS), KTM, 44:28:03 +0:43
3. Skyler Howes (USA), Husqvarna, 44:32:24 +5:04
4. Pablo Quintanilla (CHI), Honda, 44:46:22 +19:02
5. Adrien Van Beveren (FRA), Honda, 44:47:50 +20:30


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Sul corpo i segni della fatica, nella voce la consapevolezza di chi sa di aver fatto un’impresa, nella testa il pensiero alla prossima grande avventura. Ventinove anni toscano di Castiglion Fiorentino, Paolo Lucci non è stato solo il migliore tra gli italiani, ma uno dei top rider della DAKAR 2023: 15esimo assoluto nella generale e secondo nella categoria Rally 2, questi i suoi numeri alla grande

Trofeo Enduro KTM: il gran finale di Volterra

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Oltre 200 partenti alla tappa conclusiva di Trofeo: location mozzafiato, meteo perfetto e una gara da urlo che ha assegnato i titoli 2022 La Toscana ha fornito al Trofeo Enduro KTM alcune delle location più amate – dal Ciocco a Castiglion Fiorentino all’isola d’Elba – alle quali si aggiunge ora senz’altro Volterra. Questa città, cinta da mura lunghe quanto la sua storia che risale al periodo etrusco e attraversa l’era romana, il medioevo e l’epoca dei Comuni, ha ospitato nel weekend dell’8 e 9 novembre la quinta e ultima tappa dell’edizione 2022 del Trofeo. Collocata a 500 metri di quota su colline perfette per godersi il panorama e stavolta anche una bella gara di Enduro, Volterra si è dimostrata all’altezza di un finale di stagione in grande stile, capace di richiamare oltre 400 piloti stante anche la concomitanza con il Trofeo Enduro Husqvarna e il Trofeo Enduro GASGAS. Di livello mondiale il paddock, collocato in una via del centro cittadino chiusa al traffico e lungo oltre 150 metri; di livello mondiale la segreteria, realizzata all’interno di un centro sportivo poco lontano, e di livello mondiale il parco chiuso ospitato nella magnifica Piazza dei Priori, concessa grazie alla grande disponibilità del sindaco Giacomo Santi e al gran lavoro del presidente del M.C. Pomarance Paolo Salvetti.
Ma di livello mondiale c’è stato anche il percorso, in particolare il secondo dei due Cross Test che insieme all’Enduro Test costituivano le tre prove speciali previste lungo il percorso, di 70 km, tracciato da Alessandro Borghi e da ripetere solo due volte per evitare intoppi visto l’elevato numero di concorrenti. Due i controlli orari. Gara affollatissima dunque, come affollato di personalità è stato tutto il weekend, con la presenza dell’Amministratore Delegato di KTM Italia Tommaso Telaro, del fresco responsabile marketing KTM Italia Matteo Cavazzuti e dei vertici di alcune delle tantissime aziende sponsor della manifestazione. Momento di autentica emozione al termine del briefing del sabato, quando Luca Milani ha chiesto la mano della sua Arianna nel contesto… romanticamente orange di Piazza del Priori con il parco chiuso alle loro spalle. Luca ha poi chiuso un weekend memorabile vincendo la giornata e anche il titolo nella classe 450. In un contesto meteo soleggiato ma fresco, perfettamente autunnale, la gara organizzata grazie alla collaborazione di ben tre Motoclub del territorio (M.C. Pomarance, M.C. Follonica e M.C. Volterra) si è poi svolta senza problemi di sorta, con oltre 200 orange riders al via. Al vertice è andata in scena una lotta serrata per l’assoluta tra i più veloci della Top Class Alessandro Esposto e della 250 4T Matteo del Coco, risolta infine a favore di Esposto. Ecco i vincitori di giornata della quinta prova, tutti equipaggiati con pneumatici METZELER ottimamente assistiti da Riga Gomme: Alessandro Esposto (Top Class)
Giovanni Lippolis (125)
Giuseppe Arangio Febbo (250 2T)
Denny Muttoni (300)
Matteo Del Coco (250 4T)
Luca Milani (450)
Roberto Ferri (Veteran 2T)
Mattias Faelt (Veteran 4T)
Victoria Carlotta Demma (Femminile)
Franco Dal Bello (Iron)
Giancarlo Lenzotti (Super Iron)
Angelo Boccaccini (Revival)
Marcello Famiglietti (Freeride)
Marco Iob (Bicilindriche)
Marco Pietranera (Special KTM) Il Challenge dedicato alla memoria di Nanni Tamiatto va a Franco Dal Bello. Tra i concessionari si impone Corti Motorsport, tra i Motoclub il Broncino. Ma a Volterra si assegnavano anche i titoli 2022, decisi dalle classifiche finali di Trofeo ancora largamente aperte. È il momento di festeggiare tutti i campioni del Trofeo Enduro KTM 2022. Eccoli divisi per classe! Top Class : Alessandro Esposto
125 : Lorenzo Lago
250 2T : Giuseppe Arangio Febbo
300 : Denny Muttoni
250 4T : Alessio Ferrera
450 : Luca Milani
Veteran 2T : Gabriele Pastorutti
Veteran 4T : Simone Benda
Iron : Franco Dal Bello
Super Iron : Giancarlo Lenzotti
Revival : Eugenio Sala
Vintage : Alessandro Degano
Femminile : Elena Ghelfi
Freeride : Marcello Famiglietti
Bicilindriche : Lorenzo Traglio Tutte le classifiche sono come sempre consultabili sul portale e sul sito L’app Whip LIVE, una delle grandi novità introdotte quest’anno, ha monitorato 180 partenti del Trofeo Enduro KTM a Volterra, con oltre 8.000 utenti unici che hanno seguito le tappe in diretta da casa attraverso l’app. E per questo 2022 con il Trofeo Enduro KTM è tutto. Sono state cinque tappe ricche di emozioni, imprevisti, agonismo e divertimento. L’appuntamento è per il 2023, con un’edizione ancora una volta ricca di novità alle quali lo staff più Ready To Race dell’enduro sta già alacremente lavorando. A presto!


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Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Manuel Lettenbichler has won the 2022 FIM Hard Enduro World Championship. Claiming a dominant victory at the eighth and final round of the series - Hixpania Hard Enduro - the young German secured the title in style on his KTM 300 EXC. FMF KTM Factory Racing’s Trystan Hart narrowly missed the podium in fourth. In what turned out to be a thrilling climax to the FIM Hard Enduro season, Hixpania Hard Enduro delivered three days of action-packed racing in Spain. The opening prologue held in the heart of Aguilar de Campoo’s medieval town square saw Manuel Lettenbichler get his title attack off to a strong start by completing the endurocross-style race as runner-up.

Saturday’s Campoo Xtreme challenged riders with a tough extreme cross-country style race held around the town’s reservoir. Taking an early lead, Manuel Lettenbichler was unstoppable over the difficult terrain and had opened up a 10-minute advantage by the checkered flag. However, with Mani and several of the top-10 finishers receiving speed penalties, the final results saw the win go to FMF KTM’s Trystan Hart with Mani dropping down to second. Despite the minor setback, Lettenbichler had done enough to secure himself pole position for Sunday’s ‘Lost Roads’ finale.

With the final race starting in the infamous cave section, it was Mani who emerged first and set off into the course. Riding at a fast but calculated pace, the 24-year-old opened up a comfortable gap at the head of the field. Despite increasing pressure from behind, Lettenbichler was able to manage his speed over the rocky terrain and maintain his lead to the finish. On reaching the checkered flag, Lettenbichler secured his fifth overall victory of the season and with it, the FIM Hard Enduro crown.

The result caps an incredible year for Mani who missed the first round of the championship completely due to recovering from injury. But taking the win at round two – Xross Hard Enduro – he then went on to claim victory at Red Bull Erzbergrodeo, Red Bull Abestone, and Red Bull Outliers in Canada. The title complements Lettenbichler’s win in the 2019 WESS Championship, but marks his first FIM World Championship title. An impressive achievement for the Red Bull KTM star.

Manuel Lettenbichler:  “I can’t believe it – this feels so good! The pressure was definitely on this morning, I was so nervous before the start. When they changed the track a little bit, I think that occupied my mind a little and I was able to focus. I got a great start and was leading and managed to make a bit of a gap, but then after about an hour I was already starting to get tired and there was still a long way to go. Everyone was riding so well, but I knew it was Mario behind me and he kept the pressure on right to the finish. I’m so happy to get the job done, and it’s even better to do it with a win here in Spain, especially in front of this sick crowd. They’ve given so much support to everyone the whole weekend, it’s been amazing.”

Coming into the final round of the FIM Hard Enduro World Championship, FMF KTM Factory Racing’s Trystan Hart was aiming for a similar performance to the one that secured him a runner-up result at Red Bull Outliers at home in Canada. Starting off the weekend well with a fifth-place finish in the opening prologue, Hart went on to win the Campoo Xtreme on Saturday, and in doing so, qualified second for Sunday’s main race.

A strong start saw the young Canadian slot in behind teammate Lettenbichler on lap one, but with fatigue playing a big part in his performance, Hart began to lose time on the leader. Struggling to find a good rhythm over the intense terrain, Trystan maintained a safe but solid pace to the finish, where he ultimately claimed fourth. A strong result, but not quite what the up-and-coming hard enduro star was hoping for.

Trystan Hart:  “That was one frustrating race. In America I can ride at my best but when I come to Europe I’m just not on the same level. I really need to figure that out as I was making mistakes today that I just shouldn’t be making. Riding like that made me use up a lot of energy and then it becomes way harder. It’s something I really need to work on for the future but overall, it’s been a good season and a huge learning experience for me.”

Fabio Farioli – Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Enduro Team Manager:  “This title is down to the all the hard work Mani has put in this year. After missing the first round due to injury, he came back and still won five of the seven rounds he contested. They included his incredible debut win at Red Bull Erzbergrodeo, as well as coming out on top in Canada, where he was pushed all the way by Trystan (Hart). It wasn’t an easy year at all, the results were great, but Mani had to deal with several issues that weren’t resolved until just before the races here in Spain. But despite the pressure he was under, Mani came through to win this final race and claim the title. It’s been a fantastic year for Mani and the whole team are really proud of him and what he’s achieved.”

Results: Round 8 - 2022 Hixpania Hard Enduro

1. Manuel Lettenbichler (GER), KTM, 2:39:59.459
2. Mario Roman (ESP), Sherco, 2:44:40.404
3. Alfredo Gomez (ESP), GASGAS, 2:52:01.206
4. Trystan Hart (CAN), KTM, 2:56:15.121 5. Graham Jarvis (GBR), Husqvarna, 2:56:21.395
Other KTM
9. Matthew Green (RSA), KTM, 2:33:40.557 +2 laps

Final Championship Standings (After round 8)

1. Manuel Lettenbichler (GER), KTM, 127pts
2. Mario Roman (ESP), Sherco, 120pts
3. Graham Jarvis (GBR), Husqvarna, 93pts
4. Teodor Kabakchiev (BUL), KTM, 72pts
5. Alfredo Gomez (ESP), GASGAS, 72pts
6. Michael Walkner (AUT), GASGAS, 66pts
7. Trystan Hart (CAN), KTM, 63pts
8. Billy Bolt (GBR), Husqvarna, 62pts
9. David Cyprian (CZE), KTM, 61pts
10. Wade Young (RSA), Sherco, 56pts 


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Tom Vialle’s stunning victory at the Grand Prix of Turkey and the 18th and final round of the 2022 FIM MXGP World Championship allowed KTM to celebrate its fourteenth MX2 title since the inception of the class in 2004. The Red Bull KTM Factory Racing star’s achievement also marked the first FIM ‘gold medal’ with the new generation of KTM SX machinery, launched this summer. Red Bull KTM Factory Racing entered the 2022 season faced with obstacles and a hefty challenge. The all-conquering motocross team had won a world championship every year since 2010 bar one but the tragic loss of their upcoming talent Rene Hofer and a lengthy foot injury for Jeffrey Herlings meant that Vialle, who was recovering from his own injury recovery in the winter, was the sole representative. The team were also facing the shortest off-season in the sport’s history and the knowledge that they were developing the brand-new 2023 KTM 250 SX-F for the harshest demands of elite racing.

The motorcycle helped Vialle fly out of the traps
Last weekend’s Grand Prix of Turkey finale saw the 21-year-old needing to beat principal rival Jago Geerts (which he managed with 1-1 scores in the motos after bearing incredible pressure) with just two points splitting the pair. The Frenchman had been vying hard with the Belgian all season – from March to September - and across diverse circuits, terrain and climates. Vialle totaled an impressive 10 victories from 18 Grands Prix. He won 17 of 36 motos and appeared on the podium 15 times. #28 also won the Fox Holeshot award for the year and led double the laps compared to Geerts’ tally. It was his most prolific campaign and brought his second title in just four years in the class; becoming the fourth rider to earn more than one championship with the KTM 250 SX-F since 2004.

Vialle will move to the US to contest the 2023 AMA 250SX and 250MX championships next year but his accumulation of two world crowns and 24 wins since coming into the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team as a rookie in 2019 is testament to his work ethic, his union with Joel Smets, Dirk Gruebel, Harry Norton and the rest of the team staff and the enduring competitiveness of the KTM 250 SX-F.

For 2023 KTM re-worked the chassis and dynamism of the KTM SX line with a completely new range. The ‘anti-squat’ handling concept created the company’s most agile and stable motocrosser to-date that also boasted a number of other innovative features including refined ergonomics and an even stronger single cylinder four-stroke powerplant.

Vialle’s journey with the KTM 250 SX-F will now continue in the American stadiums and outdoor tracks for both supercross and motocross. Red Bull KTM Factory Racing will look to groom the next talent in the Grand Prix pipeline for 2023 with 18-year-old recruits Andrea Adamo and Liam Everts filling the new MX2 roster.

Tom Vialle, 1st and 1st for 1st overall in MX2 & the 2022 FIM World Championship title:   “I’m so happy. To finish the season like this is so nice. This is my final race in MX2 so it was special. I wanted to enjoy the last few races and with the team, who have given me such a strong home for four seasons. To have the title for the second time is amazing. The first one was crazy but also this one because it was so tight. I had to come here and go 1-1 but that wasn’t so easy.”

Joel Smets, Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team Manager:   “What a day, what a year, what a championship. I don’t think I have ever felt stress like that in any season, even in my own racing career. We’ve been in close situations before but we knew it would all go down to some very tight action today and Tom was able to deliver. I’m so grateful to everybody behind us and I like to think that somewhere and somehow Rene was looking down and enjoying that one.”

Dirk Gruebel, Red Bull KTM Team Technical Co-ordinator:   “Unbelievable today and it is unreal what Tom managed. The mindset was there in qualification but what a difficult situation. Even though Jago did not give up it seemed like Tom just wanted it a bit more. A real drama today but we walked away as the winners and I’m happy for Tom and the whole team after a difficult season. We were always chasing so to take the title is something special.”

Robert Jonas, Head of Motorsports Offroad:   “We faced logistic and sporting obstacles for 2022 and the shortest off-season we can remember and to finish the championship in this way – with another title for our superb team and the talent of Tom Vialle – is the best payback. All the credit must go to the entire Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team who never gave up and kept pushing and working and developing and with one goal in mind. A brilliant effort and it is something the whole factory can be proud of.”

Pit Beirer, KTM Motorsports Director:   “I’m extremely happy right now because it has been a challenging season for us in MXGP and how we went into 2022 was especially tough. Tom had to peg back a big points gap and to be able to take it to the last race on the last day and then win is an incredible achievement. I want to thank the whole team and everybody in the factory who has built this fantastic motorcycle and of course to Tom who has done an outstanding job. He is a real-world champion and I feel he is ready to go to the USA. It was a masterpiece to deliver those two wins today under such big pressure. Not many people can do that.”

For more information about the 2023 KTM 250 SX-F and the entire SX line-up click HERE.


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Led home by series winner Timoteï Cez, the top six overall finishers in this year’s European Junior e-Motocross Series all achieved their successes aboard the state-of-the-art KTM SX-E 5 minicycle! With Cez winning three of the five rounds, further victories went to Cameron Berry and Austin Edwards, making it a stellar 2022 series for the all-conquering SX-E 5. The 2022 European Junior e-Motocross Series was dominated by riders competing on the KTM SX-E 5 as the all-electric machine showed off its Ready to Race credentials in no uncertain terms. With many competitors using the highly capable bike to their advantage, the overall podium at each event bar one saw KTM take a clean sweep of the rostrum. The SX-E 5 was the bike of choice for talented young racers with aspirations of reaching MXGP. Touring Europe during the summer months, the 2022 European Junior e-Motocross Series was contested over five events alongside the MXGP World Championship. Up until the final two rounds, the action took place on a shortened race track before the season-ending, double-header event in Loket, Czech Republic saw riders take on a full length MXGP circuit for the very first time. The longer, hardpack track suited the series winner Timoteï and his SX-E 5. On Saturday, a flawless display of riding saw the young KTM star take victory in both races and retake the series lead ahead of the fifth and final round held on Sunday. Needing just 22 points to secure the title at round five, an opening moto fifth was followed by his sixth race win of the season in moto two, placing him second overall on the day and with it ensuring he lifted the series winner’s trophy. Later this year in September, the youngster will get to enjoy his exclusive prize - an all-expenses paid trip to watch the FIM Motocross of Nations in the USA for himself and a guest!

After only missing the overall podium once throughout the season while winning six of the 10 races he contested, the young Frenchman is a worthy winner of the 2022 European Junior e-Motocross Series.

All riders who competed on the KTM SX-E 5 minicycle received a selection of exciting products from the KTM PowerWear range. Designed with the same winning intent as all KTM motocross models, the pit wear, merchandise, and accessories provided ensured all young riders enjoyed a professional appearance when away from the racetrack. Furthermore, those who competed in the full five-round series on the SX-E 5 will now be invited to join an end-of-season training camp together with representatives from Red Bull KTM Factory Racing.

Season highlights are available to stream for free on with a simple sign-up required to access all of this year’s exciting racing action.

For further information on the exciting European Junior e-Motocross Series, please visit -

Federico Valentini – Vice President Global Motorcycle Marketing:   “For KTM, the 2022 European Junior e-Motocross Series has been a huge success. Not only was the series winner, Timoteï Cez, riding a KTM SX-E 5, but every round saw a KTM victory, and in the final standings, seven of the top-10 riders rode an SX-E 5. Even outside of this success, this bike was by far the most popular model in the series which shows that our commitment to e-mobility, and developing this bike in particular, has been recognised by Europe’s best young racers. This year we have witnessed some great racing but more importantly, the level of interest in the series has really grown throughout this season. The final two rounds saw a full line-up of 40 riders for the first time ever and it was broadcast live on MXGP-TV too, another first for the series. Congratulations once again to Timoteï and all riders, and their families, who chose to race the KTM SX-E 5.”

Final Standings – 2022 European Junior e-Motocross Series

1. Timoteï Cez (FRA), KTM, 210 points
2. Austin Edwards (GBR), KTM, 187
3. Elias Eder (AUT), KTM, 173
4. Logan Liberal Rodas (ESP), KTM, 170
5. Cameron Berry (GBR), KTM, 169
6. Adan Quesada (ESP), KTM, 124
7. Riccardo Galia (ITA), GASGAS, 124
8. Ares Gil (ESP), Husqvarna, 107
9. Alejandto Mellado (ESP), KTM, 101
10. Tao Corretel (BEL), GASGAS, 85


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    In an extended weekend packed with action at the infamous Iron Giant in Austria, KTM enjoyed a vast amount of success at the 2022 edition of the iconic Red Bull Erzbergrodeo.

    Ensuring a truly memorable return to the Red Bull Erzbergrodeo for KTM, Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Manuel Lettenbichler claimed an emphatic victory at the 26th edition of the Red Bull Erzbergrodeo aboard his KTM 300 EXC.

    After hitting the front of the race soon after the start, the young German maintained his lead right through to the checkered flag, securing his first ever win at the iconic Austrian event. In addition, Manuel’s victory marked his second consecutive FIM Hard Enduro World Championship race win of 2022 following victory in Serbia last month, his first international outing of the year after a lengthy lay-off following knee surgery.

    First competing at the Erzbergrodeo back in 2014 when he became the event’s youngest finisher, in 2022 Mani not only topped the podium, but thanks to his father’s victory back in 2015, he also became the first and only rider to have shared race-winning success with his father. With Mani winning on the all-conquering KTM 300 EXC this year, it marked KTM’s 19th Red Bull Erzbergrodeo victory, the first coming thanks to the efforts of KTM-mounted South African Alfie Cox in 1995.

    The iconic Iron Giant also served as the backdrop for the international launch of the new KTM 300 EXC ERZBERGRODEO special edition, which, in the highly capable hands of eight-time AMA GNCC Champion Kailub Russell, topped the time sheets of the qualifying Iron Road Prologue. Visiting the Red Bull Erzbergrodeo for the first time ever, Kailub gave the KTM 300 EXC ERZBERGRODEO an unforgettable debut outing, ahead of Mani’s history making main event win!

    Trofeo Enduro KTM: la passione va oltre ogni ostacolo!

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    Per la terza tappa del Trofeo Enduro KTM 2021, Rivanazzano Terme ha accolto i tantissimi piloti schieratisi al via con l’entusiasmo di una terra ancora fresca dell’organizzazione della Sei Giorni 2021. Ben 267 gli iscritti, tra cui una cinquantina di wild card che hanno potuto finalmente trovare spazio in una tappa di Trofeo corsa senza concomitanze e quindi “100% orange”. La gara era organizzata attorno al Parco Brugnatelli nel centro di Rivanazzano, dove sono stati realizzati il parco chiuso e il consueto village con l’assistenza WP Suspension e Metzeler. Il percorso prevedeva molti tratti già “rodati” proprio dall’edizione 2021 dell’ISDE, purtroppo compromessi dalle recenti restrizioni provocate dalla peste suina. Organizzare una Sei Giorni in piena pandemia ha comunque abituato il M.C. Valle Staffora a fronteggiare gli imprevisti con una buona dose di creatività, e così la revisione del giro è stata compensata con l’inserimento di ben 11 prove speciali: 2 nel pomeriggio di sabato 28 maggio e 9 la domenica 29 maggio (3 per ciascuno dei tre giri previsti), per una gara all’a metà tra Enduro tradizionale ed Enduro Sprint. Un compromesso che, nell'impossibilità di modificare i calendari a così stretto giro, ha reso possibile convalidare la prova assegnando tutti i punti in palio.
    A mettere il carico ci ha però pensato Giove Pluvio, che dopo Città di Castello anche a Rivanazzano ha voluto dire la sua. Nella notte di sabato sulla cittadina dell’Oltrepò si è abbattuta una vera e propria tormenta, che ha sconvolto i piani degli organizzatori per l’ennesima volta. Non tanto per il fango formatosi su parte del tracciato, quanto per le fettucce divelte nelle prove speciali che hanno costretto la direzione di gara a posticipare di un’ora la partenza (dalle ore 9 alle ore 10 della domenica). Il torrente Staffora vedeva intanto alzarsi il suo livello al punto da rendere impossibile il suo attraversamento nei punti predisposti per il guado. Questo ha costretto, con il supporto del track inspector Giovanni Sala, a modificare ulteriormente il percorso, mantenendo comunque valide e percorribili le 3 prove speciali per giro: il Mulino, l’Hangar e la famosa “Maginot”. Quest'ultima tracciata nell’area attivamente sostenuta da KTM e ormai divenuta un riferimento per l’Enduro, non solo nell’Oltrepo. La gara si è poi svolta regolarmente nei tempi imposti, pur con una fisionomia ormai stravolta rispetto a quanto previsto. Dal punto di vista dei risultati di gara, in evidenza i piloti del sud: in vetta all’assoluta è salito il forte crossista pugliese Matteo Del Coco del team Brunetti, che ha vinto tutte le speciali; molto bene in generale hanno fatto poi i siciliani del team Hobby Motors di Ragusa, che si è piazzato secondo nella classifica a squadre dietro a Corti Motorsport di Albavilla. Ecco il dettaglio dei vincitori per classe: Elia Rigo (Top Class)
    Lorenzo Lago (125)
    Giuseppe Arangio Febbo (250 2T)
    Denny Muttoni (300)
    Matteo Del Coco (250 4T)
    Luca Milani (450)
    Massimo Bergamaschi (Veteran 2T)
    Fabio Benetti (Veteran 4T)
    Martina Riboni (Femminile)
    Franco Dal Bello (Iron)
    Giancarlo Lenzotti (Super Iron)
    Angelo Boccaccini (Revival)
    Marcello Famiglietti (Freeride)
    Marco Iob (Bicilindriche)
    Alessandro Degano (Vintage)
    Ruggero Vagni (Ospiti) Tra i concessionari si è imposto di nuovo Corti Motorsport davanti a Hobby Motor Ragusa; tra le squadre di club il Broncino (CO), mentre il Challenge dedicato alla memoria di Nanni Tamiatto è andato al dealer veneto di KTM Franco Dal Bello. Le classifiche complete di giornata e di campionato si trovano sul sito; tutte le informazioni sul Trofeo Enduro KTM sono come sempre su Il prossimo appuntamento con il Trofeo Enduro KTM 2022 sarà il 17 luglio a Villagrande di Montecopiolo, nell’entroterra romagnolo in provincia di Rimini: ultima tappa prima della sosta estiva, e gara decisiva per le classifiche in vista del gran finale a Volterra!


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    Non importa che moto guidi, mettiti alla prova con THE WORLD ADVENTURE WEEK e diventa uno dei pochi fortunati a vivere un'esperienza davvero unica insieme a KTM. Carica la moto e preparati a macinare chilometri a partire da lunedì 4 luglio 2022.
    • KTM è lieta di annunciare i premi del THE WORLD ADVENTURE WEEK 2022
    • Sei dei finalisti vivranno un’esperienza di guida unica in puro stile KTM
    • Tutti i migliori piloti adventure potranno aggiudicarsi una serie di premi giornalieri
    • Scarica l’app RISER e registrati subito all’evento!
    Scegli una meta sulla mappa, salta in sella e parti IN PURO STILE ADVENTURE . L’appuntamento del 2022 con THE WORLD ADVENTURE WEEK è l’occasione perfetta per metterti in strada insieme a tanti altri piloti appassionati d’avventura. L'obiettivo principale? Macinare almeno 1.000 km in una sola settimana.
    Per partecipare ti basta scaricare l'app RISER, accettare THE WORLD ADVENTURE WEEK nella sezione dedicata alle prossime sfide e iniziare a registrare i tuoi giri quotidiani in moto. THE WORLD ADVENTURE WEEK - Sfide giornaliere:
    // 4 luglio => Fare un giro in moto e condividerlo con l'hashtag #theworldadventureweek
    // 5 luglio => Raggiungere un'altitudine di 890 metri in moto
    // 6 luglio => Fare visita a un concessionario KTM e pubblicare un’immagine sui social
    // 7 luglio => Accumulare almeno 1.290 metri di dislivello in salita in moto
    // 8 luglio => Aver registrato almeno cinque giri in moto tra lunedì e venerdì
    // 9 luglio => Percorrere un’unica tratta di 390 km (tolleranza di +/- 15 km)
    // 10 luglio => Completare una “Pack Ride” con almeno altri due piloti KTM è orgogliosa di annunciare per il 2022 un primo premio straordinario per i piloti con sangue Adventure nelle vene. Tutti quelli che avrenno percorso i 1.000 km nella settimana e completato almeno tre delle sette sfide giornaliere parteciperanno all’estrazione di un’esperienza con KTM davvero unica. I primi cinque finalisti estratti si aggiudicheranno un invito VIP, con tutte le spese pagate, per cimentarsi in un’attività di guida in puro stile KTM. Di fatto, avranno l’occasione di provare la prossima generazione di moto KTM ADVENTURE in condizioni davvero al limite. Questo evento speciale si svolgerà in Europa nella seconda metà dell’anno. Il sesto e ultimo posto sarà invece assegnato al pilota che avrà percorso più chilometri durante la settimana. Tutti i piloti che avranno macinato almeno 1.000 km durante la settimana riceveranno comunque un premio personalizzato da parte di KTM. Per maggiori dettagli sui premi giornalieri dai un’occhiata al sito

    Under Controller! Red Bull KTM on the podium at 2022 MotoGP™ eSports opener

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    A ‘wet’ Sachsenring circuit in Germany and a dry, fast Mugello in Italy were the venues for the first two rounds of the 2022 MotoGP eSports championship as the sixth edition of the exciting series pulsed through controllers of the twelve principal racers. Red Bull KTM Factory Racing representative ‘JackHammer4658’ posted 3rd and 5th place finishes respectively as the contest began with a live stage production at Mugello, scene of the eighth round of the real MotoGP. Stuffy early evening temperatures did not break the focus of the Englishman who used expert skill on his digital KTM RC16 to race to the podium at the ‘soaking’ Sachsenring. The 10-lap sprint around MotoGP’s shortest track was made with the latest version of Milestone Entertainment’s impressive and gorgeously visual ‘MotoGP 2022’ video game. JackHammer and DarkBright (Tech3 KTM Factory Racing’s ‘rider’) joined the other ten gamers who were wearing the colors of their allied real life MotoGP team. Red Bull KTM made the podium at Sachsenring which was then followed by 8-laps of Mugello for the second dash of the championship. Around the Italian course JackHammer4658 battled hard but was unable to enter the top four. Like the real-life show, the riders were separated by only fractions of a second and the braking, line choice and acceleration points were key to a strong rhythm. “Coming into the race I knew I had a chance of the podium, there were a lot of people making mistakes in practice and I knew if I kept the bike up I would be able to go for that top three,” JackHammer4658 (real name ‘Jack Hammersley’) said. “I kept calm and wasn’t riding the best but it was a good result to start the championship. Mugello was tighter. I pushed to pass Andrea [AndreaSaveri11] but my only opportunity was into Turn 4 and that was my weakest place on the track: I didn’t have the confidence to do it on the brakes. Anyway, two top fives and 5th in the championship so I’m happy.” DarkBright rode to 9th and 10th. 2022 MotoGP eSports was broadcast live on MotoGP channels, especially YouTube and Facebook where highlights of the intense and lifelike chase can be re-watched. Rounds three and four will be held remotely and around Le Mans and TT Circuit Assen on July 1st.

    European KTM ADVENTURE RALLY: questa è Adventure!

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    Segnati queste date sul calendario: l’European KTM ADVENTURE RALLY del 2022 si terrà dal 14 al 17 settembre. Dopo le edizioni in Italia, Bosnia e Grecia, l’evento di punta della community di KTM si trasferisce nel sud della Francia, tra gli storici pascoli dei dintorni di Quillan.
    // L’European KTM ADVENTURE RALLY si terrà dal 14 al 17 settembre
    // L’appuntamento sarà ospitato dalla città di Quillan, ai piedi dei Pirenei francesi
    // Per il 2022, l’evento di punta della community di KTM è ristretto a 150 piloti
    // I partecipanti potranno godersi tre fantastici giorni di guida immersi nella natura francese
    // I piloti saranno fortemente incoraggiati a mettere alla prova le loro capacità di navigazione in autonomia Dopo il debutto in Italia, la scoperta di territori sconosciuti in Bosnia e la Grecia per testare le capacità dei partecipanti in qualche tratto estremo, la quinta edizione dell’European KTM ADVENTURE RALLY sarà senza dubbio all’altezza degli elevatissimi standard che i fan di tutto il mondo si aspettano da KTM. L’evento del 2022 prevede tre giorni di guida lungo percorsi selezionati con cura nei pressi della città storica di Quillan. Un’area in cui cittadine e siti medioevali che trasudano storia sono collegati da centinaia di chilometri di tracciati offroad e strade bianche attraverso paesaggi incontaminati.             Ancora una volta, questo importante evento della community permetterà ai fan di KTM da ogni angolo del mondo di incontrare gli appassionati che vivono e lavorano nella sede centrale di Mattighofen in Austria. Tutti insieme potranno così macinare chilometri e colorare le strade di arancione! L’evento è aperto ai proprietari di modelli KTM ADVENTURE o KTM ENDURO R. Per l’edizione del 2022 è previsto un numero massimo di 150 iscritti. In questa tappa francese, i partecipanti saranno spinti a testare le proprie capacità di navigazione da soli o in piccoli gruppi, alla ricerca del tracciato giusto nel susseguirsi senza fine di colline. Un numero ristretto di esperti membri del team KTM darà un ulteriore contributo alla conduzione del viaggio per un piccolo numero di gruppi guidati. Sia chi naviga in autonomia sia i gruppi guidati seguiranno le stesse tracce nella natura francese. Al termine di ogni giornata in sella sono previste esperienze dedicate in stile Adventure, ovviamente con il consueto tocco KTM. A ogni pilota verrà richiesto ogni giorno di concludere anelli di circa 180 km nelle varie direzioni attorno a Quillan, secondo un formato consolidato nel mondo Rally Raid. Questa sì che è ADVENTURE!


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    Get ready to re-think what you feel-and-know about offroad motorcycles: the 2023 KTM SX launch will take place online on May 10th at 17.00 GMT+1. The next level of motocross riding, racing and performance has been years in the making and now its within grasp. This is an event and explanation you won’t want to miss. KTM have dominated the motocross and supercross landscape since the introduction of the last generation of KTM SX-F machinery in 2015 but with a fresh approach and a new concept there has been a reinvention. To see and learn more on the afternoon of Tuesday May 10th it’s super easy. Simply hit this LINK. Now you’re on the list and one of the first privileged few. The latest editions of the KTM SXs are a big deal. We’ve not only developed a sumptuous new outline for the chassis and the way motocross bumps, jumps and ruts can be tackled but we’ve also got juicy engine upgrades and some special news with the 2-stroke KTM SXs. Why is this significant upgrade of the KTM SXs exciting us all in Austria? Well, it comes from the sheer rate of peerless sporting achievement in the past decade and more. A rider like MXGP World Champion Jeffrey Herlings has depended on KTM SXs for his development as junior and SX-Fs for a glittering array of MXGP success, taking 99 GP wins and 131 podiums in 12 years and has made 51 MXGP rostrum appearances in only half a decade. Or what about Tony Cairoli? Seven world titles with the KTM 350 and 450 SX-Fs. The Italian and Dutchman are just two Grand Prix stars that have given the KTM 450 SX-F 126 overall wins in the premier class since 2004. It was in ‘04 that the current definitions of the FIM World Championship categories was formed and in both MX2/MXGP KTM have racked-up over 600 moto checkered flags and well over 300 Grand Prix victories. In AMA SX the KTM 450 SX-F has won five of the last seven 450SX titles thanks to the wins, podiums and consistency of Ryan Dungey and Cooper Webb in the stadiums of North America. So, make an appointment and get ready to get ahead.


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    KTM rafforza la sua presenza nella Capitale con l’apertura della terza concessionaria ufficiale: K-Roma. Nata dalla volontà di Alberto Bertola, meglio conosciuto come  Albertoinmoto , la nuova realtà “Orange” nasce a sud-est di Roma, tra Parco dell’Appia Antica e Parco di Torre Fiscale. Bertola da oltre vent’anni è un riferimento nel settore delle due ruote e con K-Roma punta a dare un ulteriore impulso alla crescita del Brand austriaco nella Capitale e rispondere prontamente alle esigenze dettate da un mercato in continua evoluzione.
    Il nuovo showroom si trova in via Demetriade 37, tra Parco dell’Appia Antica e Parco di Torre Fiscale; al suo interno è possibile ammirare le novità della gamma KTM e trovare una selezione di capi di abbigliamento KTM PowerWear e accessori KTM PowerParts. Naturalmente K-Roma è anche assistenza e vendita di ricambi originali. Tommaso Telaro, Managing Director KTM Sportmotorcycle Italia : “ KTM ha piani ambiziosi di consolidamento ed espansione nel territorio e la scelta di un nuovo operatore di prestigio come K-Roma contribuirà a rafforzare la nostra presenza in un mercato importante come quello della Capitale. Con estremo piacere diamo il benvenuto a questa realtà dinamica, competente e appassionata. Siamo certi che Alberto Bertola e il suo staff sapranno rappresentare al meglio il nostro marchio e sapranno dare ai clienti tutto il servizio tipico del mondo KTM, in perfetto stile READY TO RACE.” Alberto Bertola, titolare di K-Roma:  “Da sempre diamo valore a ogni nostro cliente e sapere di fornire a ciascuno di loro il meglio delle soluzioni a due ruote e dei servizi di assistenza è motivo di orgoglio e ci incentiva a dare sempre il massimo, proprio come il marchio che abbiamo l’onore di rappresentare. K-Roma celebra la nostra consolidata presenza del mercato capitolino e siamo certi che con il nostro lavoro e la nostra passione contribuiremo alla costante crescita del marchio austriaco in Italia”. K-Roma è già operativa e nel pieno rispetto delle regole anti-Covid, sabato 7 maggio dalle 9 alle 18.30 aspetta appassionati e amici per una grande inaugurazione. In occasione dell’evento sarà inoltre possibile prenotare un test ride con diversi modelli 2022 messi a disposizione dalla concessionaria. Per info e contatti:


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    With just over four weeks to go until the 2022 European Junior e-Motocross Series kicks off in Spain, all 40 spaces on the start line are almost taken with registrations on course to reach full capacity well before the closing date. Interested parents of riders on KTM SX-E 5 minicycles are encouraged to register quickly to avoid disappointment as the second running of this ground-breaking series looks set to be a sell-out. Proving to be incredibly popular in 2021, the European Junior e-Motocross Series returns for a second term in 2022 and is open to all KTM SX-E 5 riders aged 6–8 years old (age taken on January 1, 2022). The continuation of the revolutionary series underlines the strength of the highly successful partnership between KTM and Infront Moto Racing, which showcases the capabilities of e-powered motorsport to a truly global audience.

    With each round taking place alongside the MXGP World Championship, young riders can embrace the opportunity of racing on some of the best motocross tracks in the world. The European Junior e-Motocross Series adopts a similar racing format to MXGP with a timed qualifying session to determine gate pick, followed by two points-paying races. Points earned in each moto are then tallied up with the top three riders overall making their way onto the MXGP podium to celebrate.

    The MXGP of Spain on May 28 and 29 hosts the opening round with the remaining four events taking place in June and July. In what will be a truly international series, round two takes place in Ernée, France, round three is in Teutschenthal, Germany, before a two-day event at the MXGP of Czech Republic on July 16-17 brings the series to a close.

    The remaining spots for the European Junior e-Motocross Series will sell out fast, with the only requirement to secure a place on the start line being that competitors commit to a minimum of three rounds.

    Each racer that lines up on the state-of-the-art KTM SX-E 5 minicycle will receive a selection of exciting products from the KTM PowerWear range. Designed with the same winning intent as all KTM motocross models, the pit wear, merchandise, and accessories provided will ensure a professional appearance when away from the racetrack.

    An exclusive prize is up for grabs for the 2022 European Junior e-Motocross Series champion - an all-expenses paid trip plus one guest to the FIM Motocross of Nations in the USA in September! Additionally, all riders who compete in all five rounds will be eligible to join an end-of-season training camp with representatives from Red Bull KTM Factory Racing.

    For further information on the exciting European Junior e-Motocross Series and to secure one of the remaining places on the start line, please visit -

    Watch season highlights from the 2021 series here.

    Calendar – 2022 European Junior e-Motocross Series
    Round 1: 28-29 May MXGP of Spain – intu Xanadú - Arroyomolinos
    Round 2: 4-5 June MXGP of France - Ernée
    Round 3: 11-12 June MXGP of Germany - Teutschenthal
    Round 4: 16 July MXGP of Czech Republic – Loket
    Round 5: 17 July MXGP of Czech Republic – Loket

    Trofeo Enduro KTM: fango e gloria

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    Si è aperta con l’ormai tradizionale enorme affluenza di piloti la seconda tappa del Trofeo Enduro KTM 2022, organizzata a Città di Castello dal M.C. Baglioni. Ben 498 le moto inserite a parco chiuso, anche per effetto della concomitanza con il Trofeo Enduro Husqvarna e il Trofeo Enduro GASGAS, per la seconda volta dopo la tappa inaugurale di Castiglion Fiorentino. Una moto in particolare ha destato curiosità e ammirazione: la 350 EXC-F con il numero 222, quella del 9 volte campione del mondo di Motocross Antonio Cairoli. Si, proprio lui! Cairoli in persona, alla sua prima gara con una moto dotata di fanali e targa. Arrivato a Città di Castello con gli amici piloti Joakin Furbetta e Gianluca di Marziantonio, il fenomeno siciliano si è davvero divertito mostrando nelle prove un passo velocissimo. E pur essendo caduto per ironia della sorte durante il Cross Test, ha già preannunciato ulteriori partecipazioni al Trofeo quando non impegnato in altre manifestazioni. L’incantevole ambientazione del crossdromo Ceccarini nelle colline dell’appennino umbro e l’accoglienza riservata ai partecipanti sono state delle migliori, alimentando subito l’entusiasmo di tutti i partecipanti meravigliati e gasati da quell’avversario così speciale. La coloratissima carovana ha però dovuto fare i conti con le bizzarre condizioni meteo e in particolare con la pioggia. Le abbondanti precipitazioni dei giorni precedenti la gara hanno consigliato gli organizzatori, guidati dal presidente Stefano Fiorucci e dal track inspector Giovanni Sala, a modificare il percorso sia del giro di gara che delle 3 prove speciali previste, rendendo transitabile tutto l’anello di gara e regolari i passaggi nei tratti cronometrati. Purtroppo, dopo le operazioni preliminari regolarmente svolte nel pomeriggio di sabato 23 aprile, una nuova bomba d’acqua caduta durante la notte ha cambiato ulteriormente le carte in tavola proponendo un Enduro fangoso e degno di una gara maschia e impegnativa! Sotto la direzione di gara di Pasquale Bianconi, la gara è puntualmente partita alle 8.30 della domenica con un bel sole primaverile; bandiera tricolore per l’avvio di Tony e dei suoi fedeli alfieri con i concorrenti che hanno trovato un terreno ormai impregnato d’acqua ed estremamente scivoloso, la scelta delle gomme è risultata “fondamentale”! Le nuove soft METZELER hanno agevolato il compito a chi ha accettato la proposta dei tecnici presenti, fornendo una aderenza impressionante in ogni terreno di prova speciale. Il resto della gara si è poi svolto in modo regolare, anche se il sole ha lasciato spazio alle nuvole che hanno scatenato una nuova pioggia torrenziale abbattutasi sui trofeisti, veramente eroici a portare a termine la gara, con il Cross Test sostanzialmente amputato nella sua lunghezza ma non annullato. Inarrivabili nei tempi, i crossisti presenti si sono contesi la classifica assoluta con Joakin Furbetta davanti a Matteo Del Coco di soli 2 decimi, e Tony Cairoli molto vicino a meno di 3 secondi. Ecco i vincitori di giornata: Alessandro Esposto (Top Class)
    Lorenzo Lago (125)
    Giuseppe Arangio Febbo (250 2T)
    Denny Muttoni (300)
    Matteo Del Coco (250 4T)
    Luca Milani (450)
    Gabriele Pastorutti (Veteran 2T)
    Mattias Faelt (Veteran 4T)
    Victoria Carlotta Demma (Femminile)
    Franco Dal Bello (Iron)
    Giancarlo Lenzotti (Super Iron)
    Eugenio Sala (Revival)
    Marcello Famiglietti (Freeride)
    Lorenzo Traglio (Bicilindriche)
    Joakin Furbetta (Special KTM) Tra i concessionari si impone questa volta la Corti Motorsport di Albavilla davanti a Hobby Motor Ragusa che ha dovuto subire il ritiro per infortunio del forte Occhipinti, tra le squadre prevale il M.C. Broncino (CO) mentre il Challenge dedicato alla memoria di Nanni Tamiatto va al concessionario veneto Franco Dal Bello. Le classifiche complete di giornata e di campionato si trovano sul sito; tutte le informazioni sul Trofeo Enduro KTM sono come sempre su Rinviate alla terza prova a calendario, in sede di Briefing pre gara, le premiazioni di questa seconda prova. Il prossimo appuntamento con il Trofeo Enduro KTM 2022 sarà il 29 maggio, nei terreni che l’estate scorsa hanno ospitato la Sei Giorni Internazionale di Enduro a Rivanazzano Terme (PV), con l’organizzazione del Moto Club Valle Staffora e questa volta in un contesto 100% KTM.


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    KTM prosegue la sua collaborazione di grande successo con Infront Moto Racing, ed è lieta di annunciare che sono ufficialmente aperte le iscrizioni per l’edizione 2022 delle European Junior e-Motocross Series. Incredibilmente popolari fin dal debutto nel 2021, questa formula si è dimostrata un grande passo avanti per il motorsport su due ruote elettrificato, e le iscrizioni alla nuova stagione sono ora aperte per i bambini tra i 6 e gli 8 anni (età al 1° gennaio 2022) che vogliono schierarsi al cancello di partenza di questo emozionante evento. Aperte a tutti i piloti che optino per una KTM SX-E 5, le European Junior e-Motocross Series prevedono cinque tappe che anche quest’anno si correranno all’interno di appuntamenti con il campionato mondiale MXGP. Il formato è analogo a quello della MXGP, con una sessione di prove cronometrate che serve a determinare l’ordine al cancello di ciascuna delle due manche. Il punteggio di giornata è assegnato sulla base dei risultati nelle due manche, e i migliori tre piloti salgono sul podio della MXGP per celebrare il loro successo. L'MXGP di Spagna del 29 maggio ospiterà la prova inaugurale, mentre le altre quattro seguiranno nei mesi estivi. Le Series faranno visita alle popolari piste di Ernée in Francia e di Teutschenthal in Germania, per poi concludersi con una doppia tappa a Loket, nel MXGP della Repubblica Ceca, il 16 e 17 luglio. Dopo aver attirato una schiera veramente internazionale di piloti nel 2021, la prima edizione si è senza alcun dubbio dimostrata un grande successo, e il 2022 sta prendendo forma in modo ancora più grande. Le iscrizioni sono aperte e i posti disponibili andranno presto esauriti; l’unico vincolo è che i piloti, oltre ad essere tesserati per la propria federazione nazionale, partecipino a un minimo di tre tappe. Tutti i piloti che si schiereranno su una minicross elettrica allo stato dell’arte come la KTM SX-E 5 riceveranno una selezione di fantastici prodotti dal catalogo PowerWear. Realizzati con la stessa mentalità vincente di tutti i modelli motocross di KTM, l’abbigliamento da paddock, il merchandise e gli accessori che verranno forniti regaleranno ai giovani piloti un aspetto professionale anche quando sono lontani dalle piste. E per il prossimo campione delle European Junior e-Motocross Series c’è in vista un premio davvero esclusivo: un viaggio tutto spesato per lui e un accompagnatore al Motocross delle Nazioni FIM a settembre, negli Stati Uniti! I piloti che parteciperanno a tutte e cinque le tappe potranno invece essere invitati a uno stage di fine stagione, alla presenza dei fuoriclasse del Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team. Per ulteriori informazioni sulle eccitanti European Junior e-Motocross Series e per assicurarsi un posto al cancello di partenza, visita

    Federico Valentini – Direttore del Global Marketing KTM:   “Dopo il successo dell’anno scorso è davvero emozionante ritrovare nel 2022 le European Junior e-Motocross Series. Si è dimostrata una formula estremamente popolare e il feedback che abbiamo ricevuto è stato incredibilmente positivo. Quest’anno confermeremo anche il format dell’evento, che nel 2021 ha funzionato alla perfezione e dà ai piloti una occasione più unica che rara di gareggiare sulle stesse piste dei loro idoli della MXGP. Questa formula mostra come KTM sia impegnata al 100% non solo nel mondo racing, ma anche nella ricerca e sviluppo di soluzioni per la mobilità elettrica, e molti dei piloti dell’anno scorso hanno scelto di correre con la KTM SX-E 5. Non manca molto alla prima gara e sono sicuro che le European Junior e-Motocross Series 2022 saranno un enorme successo.”

    Calendario – European Junior e-Motocross Series 2022 Round 1: 29 maggio MXGP di Spagna – intu Xanadú - Arroyomolinos
    Round 2: 5 giugno MXGP di Francia - Ernée
    Round 3: 12 giugno MXGP di Germania - Teutschenthal
    Round 4: 16 luglio MXGP della Repubblica Ceca – Loket
    Round 5: 17 luglio MXGP della Repubblica Ceca – Loket


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    2021 has been a memorable campaign for Red Bull KTM Factory Racing across the disciplines. Spirited presence in at least six different spheres of motorcycle competition has delivered notable success as well as the full range of emotions. Among the elation and the adversity on track and off, KTM were able to embellish stories and welcome new silverware with a total of 327 FIM world titles now in their canon.
    • MXGP and AMA 450SX titles celebrated as Red Bull KTM run wild with the KTM 450 SX-F
    • Two more MotoGP™ Grand Prix wins & domination for the KTM GP Academy in Moto3™ & Moto2™
    • E2 Enduro & Cross-Country Rallies FIM championships sealed, ISDE victory & Dakar podium finish
    2021 sprung back to speed after a logistically challenging 2020 with plenty of pace and prizes. The sand of Saudi Arabia hosted the  43rd Dakar Rally  in January and Sam Sunderland was able to take his KTM 450 RALLY to the third step of the overall podium. Meanwhile the 2021  AMA Supercross Championship  had begun in the United States and Cooper Webb regained the championship he won in 2019 with a strong and consistent battle against tough opposition. Webb guided the KTM 450 SX-F FACTORY EDITION to the company’s fifth title in seven years. KTM North America’s impressive racing program also welcomed a high profile return to the AMA American Flat Track series.

    Back in Europe Red Bull KTM Factory Racing soon weaved their strong influence on the  FIM MXGP Motocross World Championship . Jeffrey Herlings won a stunning contest that traversed 18 rounds and 36 motos to go down to the very last laps of the season. The Dutchman’s second MXGP crown also represented KTM’s third in the last half a decade with the KTM 450 SX-F. Red Bull KTM were the only Grand Prix team to see all six of their riders – Herlings, Tony Cairoli and Jorge Prado in the MXGP class and Tom Vialle, Mattia Guadagnini and Rene Hofer with the KTM 250 SX-F in MX2 – stand on the top of a Grand Prix rostrum during the year. Prado and Vialle dominated the competition in terms of holeshots and KTM gave motocross icon Cairoli a deserving send-off as the nine-time world champion ended an 18-year career at Mantova, Italy in November. Cairoli, Guadagnini, Herlings and Hofer all excelled with podium presence at the 2021 Motocross of Nations in Italy as the home country triumphed and Hofer owned the MX2 category.

    KTM were able to extend their presence through the  EMX European Championship  development period with their SX technology and laid a promising new base thanks to the European Junior e-Motocross series; an educational scheme for youngsters taking place on sections of Grand Prix circuits and at MXGP fixtures with KTM SX-E 5. The inaugural edition was extremely popular and whet the appetite of families across Europe.

    KTM came back to force in the  FIM Enduro World Championship  in 2021, where Red Bull KTM’s Josep Garcia grasped his second E2 championship (and first title with the KTM 350 EXC-F) and was runner-up in EnduroGP, as well as the outright winner at the prestigious International Six Days Enduro. Teammate Manuel Lettenbichler claimed victory at the daunting Red Bull Romaniacs for the third year in a row aboard the KTM 300 EXC TPI and only narrowly lost out on the FIM Hard Enduro crown at the last round having finished on the podium at every race of the series. Also on the dirt, Matthias Walkner earned the distinction of  FIM Cross-Country Ralllies World Champion  and KTM continued to reign in the WORCS series in the U.S.

    KTM’s reach and influence offroad remains elite and 2021 was another illustration of the power of the organization, the equipment and the athletes but it was also a year in which the road racing arm of the department continued to blossom.

    2021 was KTM’s fifth year on the  MotoGP  grid and the third with a full four-rider line-up thanks to both the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing and the Tech3 KTM Factory Racing teams. Two wins, five podiums and a joint top-speed record were bagged once the season began in Qatar and ended in Valencia.

    Brad Binder increased his tally of triumphs to two in two terms with his brave decision to remain on dry, slick tyres for the final laps of a wet Motorrad Grand prix von Österreich at the Red Bull Ring. The South African classified 6th in the final championship standings with the RC16 after being 11th during 2020 in his rookie outing. He also blasted to 362.4km/h at Mugello, Italy to equal the fastest speed recorded in the history of the sport. Miguel Oliveira now has three Grand Prix wins with KTM after running to the checkered flag in Catalunya during the summer. The thrilling feat came in a spell of three podium appearances for the talented Portuguese. The Red Bull KTM Ajo team were rampant in both  Moto3 and Moto2  as the KTM GP Academy witnessed Grand Prix spoils for four different riders and the fifth Moto3 world championship since 2012 with star rookie Pedro Acosta blitzing the field. Remy Gardner became the first Australian Moto2 World Champion after a close duel with teammate Raul Fernandez as both Ajo racers finished 1st-2nd seven times from 18 rounds and set new milestones in the division through 13 wins. The Red Bull KTM Tech3 team also flourished in Moto3 with both Deniz Öncü and Ayumu Sasaki collecting trophies on the KTM RC4.

    The KTM RC 250 R was the platform for the latest edition of the  Red Bull MotoGP™ Rookies Cup , that won by Spaniard David Alonso. The Northern Talent Cup (ruled by Jakub Gurecky) and the Austrian Junior Cup (Leo Rammerstorfer was the #1) both used RC4R motorcycle and this meant at select rounds of 2021 MotoGP there were more than 70 KTM race bikes circulating Grand Prix tracks on a single weekend.

    While 2021 has been a resounding success on many levels, KTM have also had to endure some difficult and emotional moments and thoughts of the late Jason Dupasquier and Rene Hofer and their respective families will remain at the forefront long after another racing year begins.

    Pit Beirer, KTM Motorsports Director : “ To take this company to the track around the world means a big movement of so many pieces and the big key to the success comes from the people involved. From the brilliant riders - at the beginning, middle and end of their careers - to the guys at the factory, those in the pitlanes and the paddocks and the trucks, the whole operation needs a special focus to make it all work. When we can see the results of our job then this makes me very proud. We’ve celebrated this season but we’ve also had cause for tears and, at times, it has been very emotional. I just want to take this moment to thank everyone who has played their part and, as ever, we will look forward and give our best to be right at the front again when another racing year starts. ”


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    A solid four-rider Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team is set to enter the 2022 AMA Supercross Championship aboard the radically new KTM 450 SX-F FACTORY EDITION and KTM 250 SX-F FACTORY EDITION models. With only a month to go before the start of the series, the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team came together in Murrieta, California to celebrate the launch of the new generation machines that all riders will pilot throughout the season.  Cooper Webb, Marvin Musquin and Aaron Plessinger will officially debut the all-new KTM 450 SX-F FACTORY EDITION at the Anaheim SX opener on January 8, 2022, while Max Vohland is set to race the KTM 250 SX-F FACTORY EDITION in the 250SX class. KTM FACTORY EDITION models have been setting performance and technology benchmarks since 2012. Now, five AMA Supercross 450SX Championships later, two all-new FACTORY EDITION models are ready to hit dealer floors in the United States, in time for the first gate drop on January 8 in Anaheim, California.


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    The Red Bull KTM Ajo team celebrates success again in 2021 as Remy Gardner clinched the Moto2™ World Championship at the Gran Premio Motul de la Comunitat Valenciana season finale in Spain. The 23-year-old Australian took an impressive 12 podiums including five victories from 18 rounds on his way to his title victory, with teammate Raul Fernandez making it a Red Bull KTM Ajo 1-2 with runner-up in the series. With the Red Bull KTM Ajo duo heading into the final races of the season battling for the championship lead, it was a tense closure to 2021 for the team. Gardner, who also enjoyed three pole positions this year, did what he needed to at the final round in Valencia with a 10th place finish to secure a four-point advantage over his teammate to be crowned the 2021 Moto2 World Champion. 21-year-old Spanish racer Fernandez, who enjoyed 12 podiums this season including eight victories, won the season finale for second in the series, taking Red Bull KTM Ajo’s Moto2 win tally to 13 from 18 races this season and with it the Teams title in the Moto2 category. The 1-2 finish in the Moto2 championship, in addition to Pedro Acosta’s Moto3™ World Championship title that the Red Bull KTM Ajo team celebrated just over one week ago, is testament to the success of the KTM GP Academy, which identifies and develops young talent through the Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup, Moto3, and Moto2 on the pathway to MotoGP™. Gardner, who is the first Australian Moto2 champion and the first from his country to lift a title since 2011, is looking forward to the next step in his career with his move to the Tech3 KTM Factory Racing MotoGP team in 2022. Fernandez, who was a Moto2 rookie this season, having progressed from the Moto3 ranks with the Red Bull KTM Ajo team, will join Gardner in an exciting line-up for the Tech3 KTM squad next season. Remy Gardner: “I’m lost for words. After so many years of suffering and so many points in my career where I thought ‘I’m not good enough, I’m not gonna make it’ we did it. This is a dream come true and I want to thank everyone who believed in me when others didn’t. I still cannot believe this has happened. I’m so grateful to be here.” Raul Fernandez: “I’m really happy with my race and I did what I could to try and win the championship. It wasn’t lost here but in other races. Anyway, it has been a fantastic season thanks to an incredible team behind me. We won eight races and set a record for my first year in Moto2. I have a strange feeling now: I won today, but not the championship, but I’m still very happy.” Aki Ajo : “In both categories this season it has been incredible. On the other hand, I have to remind myself that this is part of the work: the result of that is the improvements we can see, and we can still make. It is always a pleasure to go through that process. It’s an emotional moment. Remy did it today and Raul had a great race; like for every rider, we just tried to help them take out the maximum of their potential. It’s important to draw out the best of everything around you in racing while also keeping it simple.” Pit Beirer, KTM Motorsports Director: “It’s a great moment. Winning the title in Moto3 and then watching these boys in Moto2 - and knowing they are moving up to MotoGP - I feel like our foundation for the future is set. This year has been another milestone. It’s crazy what they did this season and we’re looking forward to 2022 already.”

    Herlings takes KTM’s eighth MXGP title at final round thriller

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    Jeffrey Herlings has delivered Red Bull KTM Factory Racing their eighth premier class FIM Motocross World Championship since 2010, and third with the KTM 450 SX-F, with a tense 1-1 victory at the 2021 season-closing Grand Prix Citta di Mantova in Italy. Red Bull KTM Factory Racing are MXGP World Champions for the third time since 2017 thanks to Jeffrey Herlings’ stellar 2021 season. The #84, who has been a KTM racer his whole career and emerged onto the Grand Prix scene as a 15-year-old in 2010, has increased his stats with a resolutely fast and strong performance this term in what has been a close and memorable campaign for MXGP. Entering the final two rounds and the ‘double-header’ at Mantova, Herlings was one of three riders separated by only three points in the MXGP standings. The Citta di Mantova climax across the Mantova sand and under cloudy skies meant Herlings had to combat both Romain Febvre (who he trailed by three points coming into the last motos) and Tim Gajser. Herlings withstood the pressure aboard his KTM 450 SX-F and went 1-1 in the two outings in Italy to re-enter his name in the record books with his fifth Motocross World Championship title and second in the MXGP division. He also claimed 14 podiums including nine Grand Prix wins and 13 pole positions from the 17 rounds he contested in 2021, which means he stands only two overall victories away from the all-time record of 101 and with another two years ahead as a Red Bull KTM Factory Racing athlete. With the performances from Herlings, Tony Cairoli, and Jorge Prado in the MXGP class this season KTM also won the 2021 Manufacturers’ Championship. Jeffrey Herlings : “I’m super-happy but at the same time I feel bad for the other two guys. I want to thank both of them for a great championship. The bad thing about our sport is that only one can win but they have been great, and I have such respect for both of them. To go 1-1 today was special. I haven’t slept for a week thinking about what could happen, what might happen and this-and-that. This wasn’t an easy championship. All three of us kept charging until the last moto, especially me and Romain in these last two races, and the pressure was on. I didn’t break and I made the championship happen. It was the most difficult one ever, so many ups-and-downs, and I’ve needed nerves of steel these last weeks, but we made it.” Dirk Gruebel, Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team Manager : “What a tough season! We went from leading to nowhere because Jeffrey got hurt and then was out of the competition. He came back early, and I think that race he made at Lommel was the difference. He rode through the pain and put us back on track. His pain threshold and his desire is crazy. Other guys would have probably stayed away and healed-up, but he wanted to stay in the game. Now he’s world champion. Today was ‘horrible’ for the whole team! We were tied after the first moto, and it went down to the last race and the best man would win. It looked like Jeffrey wanted it more again. Big credit to him for the first-class job and to all the team for pushing all the way.” Pit Beirer, KTM Motorsports Director : “This was not a normal season. It was a difficult and special title to win. The competition was incredible so big compliments to them: Tim and Romain produced an incredible year and any one of the guys would have deserved a title, but we also worked really hard for this. Jeffrey was amazing. He had ups-and-downs but was always fighting and coming back for more. It is always an emotional ride with him but, in the end, I feel that he deserved this title the most. I have to thank the whole team because they have made so much effort, but in our motocross ‘world’ the rider is the superstar, and we have great ones in our team. Tony, Jorge, Mattia, Rene, and Tom: the relationship we have is also amazing and makes our work so much fun. We will go home tomorrow to work hard and continue to be strong next year.”


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    The KTM Factory Racing rally team will welcome a high-profile ‘rookie’ during the coming weeks with MotoGP™ star and Grand Prix winner Danilo Petrucci set to swap his KTM RC16 for a KTM 450 RALLY in an attempt to take on the famous and notoriously difficult Dakar Rally in January. The speed is still high, the adrenaline still pumping - even protection like airbags remain in place - but the 31-year-old Italian will be exchanging a visor for goggles, and knee sliders for knee braces when he converts to a rally bike in Tech3 KTM Factory Racing colors for 2022. Petrucci, who has accumulated 10 podium finishes and two wins in his 10 seasons on the MotoGP grid, will fulfil a lifetime dream with the transition into the next stage of his elite racing career after the season-closing Gran Premio Motul de la Comunitat Valenciana. ‘Petrux’ is a skilled offroad rider in enduro and motocross but knows the discipline and demands of rally will be a big challenge. Learning from some of the most successful racers in the sport, and experts from the KTM squad that has previously won an outstanding 18 successive Dakar victories, Danilo has begun his rally preparation as he embarks on the challenge of a switch from MotoGP to the Dakar. Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s 2018 Dakar winner and recently crowned FIM Cross-Country Rallies World Champion Matthias Walkner, two-time Dakar champion Toby Price, and reigning Dakar champion Kevin Benavides will be on-hand in the KTM stable to help the MotoGP star make his transition to the sport. Danilo has had a taste of desert conditions aboard his KTM 450 RALLY and the incredibly challenging navigation required for rally racing at a recent test under the watchful eye of KTM’s Rally Sport Manager, Jordi Viladoms - a former successful Dakar competitor. Following the MotoGP season, Danilo’s attention will be fully focused on furthering his riding and navigational education ahead of his first attempt at the 14-day and approximately 8,000-kilometer event, which begins on January 1st. The 2022 edition of the competition will take place in the Middle East for the third year in a row and will allow Petrucci to be thrown into the depths of Dakar to learn and develop with an eye on 2022 FIM competition and a potential future in the sport. Danilo Petrucci : “For me it is really a dream come true to race the Dakar. It’s an event I’ve always wanted to do since I was a child when I was watching video tapes of the Dakar Rally from the 80s and 90s. Now, thanks to KTM, this dream is coming true. First, I would like to thank KTM for this great opportunity; I think I will be the only rider that in just over one month has competed in MotoGP and then the Dakar Rally – so it is with great pride that I go there. My main target is just to finish the race and enjoy it. The first approach was to have some road book training with Jordi, he competed in the race many times and finished on the podium, so he has been great in helping me learn this special art. I had my first taste of riding the KTM 450 RALLY recently at an initial test in the Dubai dunes, where I was with KTM’s Dakar champions and I was able to learn so much from them – it was great to see them riding, and they were super nice and helpful to me. I hope the training for the next month will be enough; for sure it will be a tough race, but I am excited.” Pit Beirer, KTM Motorsports Director : “Danilo’s talent and his character means he is one of the few elite level guys that we believe can make this radical move from the asphalt to the dunes. It’s a great story for a great guy. We want to thank him for his professionalism and all his efforts as part of the Tech3 team in our MotoGP project and now it’s time for another ‘world’!”


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    KTM has clinched its fifth Moto3™ World Championship title with Red Bull KTM Ajo’s rookie sensation Pedro Acosta, who stormed to victory at the Grande Prémio Brembo Do Algarve circuit for the penultimate round of the season in Portimão, Portugal. Spanish star Acosta has enjoyed an incredible eight podium finishes including six wins onboard the KTM RC4 to take his first Grand Prix title. Heading into round 17, the young rookie had a 21-point advantage at the head of the standings. The stakes were high in the ultra-competitive Moto3 category, and after qualifying in 14th position, Acosta knew he needed a strong finish with five points over his title rival to confirm the championship one week ahead of the season finale. In true Ready To Race style, Acosta did not disappoint. In a race full of position changes and battles from start to flag, Acosta rose to the challenge. Having lost the lead mid-race, the young rookie remained consistent and worked his way back to the front of the field with three laps remaining. Acosta held strong over the battle that ensued behind, crossing the line to clinch another sensational Grand Prix victory onboard his KTM RC4 and with it the 2021 Moto3 World Championship title – KTM’s second consecutive win in the category. In what has been an incredibly successful season, Red Bull KTM Ajo also won the Moto3 Team Championship, and KTM is another step closer to winning the Moto3 Constructors’ Championship at the final round in Valencia, Spain next weekend. Seventeen-year-old Acosta made an instant and lasting impact on Moto3 in his first attempt. The Spanish star finished second on his debut in Qatar and sensationally won his second outing at the Losail International Circuit despite starting from pitlane, before going on to clinch the 2021 crown. Conquering the Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup in 2020, and now having claimed the Moto3 World Championship with Red Bull KTM Ajo, Acosta will be moving up with the team as part of the KTM GP Academy program to the Moto2 World Championship class in 2022. Pedro Acosta: “I feel like I have nothing to say at the moment! I did the warm-down lap crying. I can only say thanks to the team, Aki, KTM and Red Bull. They gave me a family this year. Thanks to all the guys that send me messages every day. To all the people pushing me: this championship is for them.” Pit Beirer, KTM Motorsports Director: “It was clear to us that we had signed a very special rider for the Moto3 World Championship in Pedro Acosta. But the fact that he delivered such a strong rookie season in this tough class under Aki Ajo's leadership has exceeded all expectations. This is an important success for our youth work in the KTM GP Academy and for KTM in general. We are more than proud of the team´s achievement and we look forward to many more to come.“


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    Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Josep Garcia has been crowned FIM Enduro2 World Champion, having won the opening day’s proceedings at the final round in Langeac, France on Saturday. Garcia also claimed the runner-up position in the EnduroGP category, concluding a successful enduro season in which he also won the prestigious International Six Days of Enduro overall. With a three-year absence from the Enduro World Championship, Garcia was eager to reclaim the title he previously won in 2017. The 24-year-old Spaniard put together a strong campaign aboard his KTM 350 EXC-F with seven E2 victories from six rounds and 12 days of competition. Coming into the final event, Garcia had a healthy 22-point lead in E2 and knew he could secure the title with a strong result on day one, although with the EnduroGP championship still a possibility, the KTM racer gave his all.

    Garcia put in a superb ride to take the FIM Enduro2 World Championship title with a victory on Saturday and one day to spare – he would back up this title-winning performance with another victory in E2 for the final day’s proceedings. The Spanish racer was first on Saturday in EnduroGP to take the championship to the wire; with a strong comeback following a fall on day two, the KTM racer finished third, which secured him a runner-up position overall.

    Garcia’s return to the Enduro World Championship has been an exciting one. The Red Bull KTM Factory Racing star was never off the podium in Enduro2 throughout all six events, and he enjoyed double victories in the EnduroGP category in both Estonia and Portugal. Garcia can also reflect on a superb season in which he also won the outright overall of the International Six Days of Enduro (ISDE) in Italy.

    Josep Garcia:   “To come back to the series after three years away and win the Enduro2 title is a dream come true. The beginning of the year was tough for me – it took me a while to get up to speed and of course the level is very high. After making a few mistakes in the first couple of rounds, I knew I had to change my mindset and the way I raced. It all came together at the ISDE this year, and after winning that, I was a lot more confident coming into the final rounds of the world championship. It’s frustrating not to take the EnduroGP title this year, but after being away from the series for three years, I’m really pleased that I came back and took these results. I have to be pleased with second in EnduroGP, and of course to win my second title in Enduro2 is great, but I know I have the speed to win, so I’m looking forward to next year already.”

    Fabio Farioli – Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Enduro Team Manager:   “It was a good season for us. In the beginning Josep needed some time to get back to the top level and the rhythm of racing in the FIM Enduro World Championship having had three years away from the series. His preparation was also delayed in the winter due to an injury, but he came back fighting, and his confidence grew over the season. The fight for both titles was really exciting, with a very high level of competition and of course to win the Enduro2 category was really great for us, as well as the victory at the ISDE. I’d like to say a big congratulations to Josep on becoming world champion again and to thank the team for all of their hard work this season. We look forward to coming back even stronger next year.”

    Robert Jonas – Vice President Motorsports Offroad:   “We are really proud of what Josep and the team have achieved this year after we stepped back into the FIM EnduroGP World Championship. We know how capable he is and winning another title was always our goal, but we knew, like always, it would be a challenge. I’d like to thank Josep for his hard work and dedication – he is an incredibly talented rider that has put together a fantastic season aboard his KTM 350 EXC-F. He has not only won the Enduro2 World Championship, but was also battling for the EnduroGP title until the final round and we also should not forget his incredible overall victory at the ISDE. It’s been a great season – and now we will enjoy this moment celebrating Josep and the team’s success.”


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    Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Matthias Walkner has taken KTM’s third consecutive FIM Cross-Country Rallies World Championship with a second-place finish at the Rallye Du Maroc aboard his KTM 450 RALLY. Austrian racer Walkner had a 20-point advantage at the top of the championship standings heading into round four of five in the series, and knew he had to put in a strong performance in order to clinch the title in Morocco. Walkner took the lead of the rally on stage two before falling foul of a tricky note in the road book on stage three. The 2018 Dakar winner came back fighting to narrowly miss the stage victory on stage four ahead of the final day. On the fifth and final day, Walkner knew exactly what was needed of him over the 166km timed special to score enough points to claim the 2021 world title. The KTM racer finished eighth for second overall, securing his second FIM Cross-Country Rallies World Championship. The victory is KTM’s third consecutive win in the series with Toby Price and Sam Sunderland earning the 2018 and 2019 titles, before the 2020 series was cancelled due to the global pandemic. KTM has taken the championship honors six times from the last nine seasons of competition. Of the three rounds raced of the series so far, Walkner has shown incredible consistency, finishing as runner-up at the high-speed Rally Kazakhstan, before taking the win in the contrasting conditions of the epic Silk Way Rally, less than one month later. Now, with another top-two result in Morocco, the experienced 35-year-old has shown he is clearly on form and will now be aiming to carry his winning momentum into the final round of the series at Abu Dhabi before focusing on the 2022 Dakar next January. Matthias Walkner: “It’s been a super cool rally for me (in Morocco). I set out this morning hoping to take the win, but I made a small mistake about halfway through that only maybe cost me a minute, but it was enough on the shortened stage to lose out. Second place is great though and to win the world championship title early is amazing. The team have been great all year, so a big thank you to them. It’s time to relax now and really enjoy the moment.” Norbert Stadlbauer – Rally Team Manager: “We are very happy with the result overall – we came here to bring home the title one event early and we’ve managed to do that. It’s been a very positive race for the whole team and now we will look ahead to Abu Dhabi and then on to Dakar in January.” Robert Jonas – Vice President Motorsports Offroad: “To claim another FIM Cross-Country Rallies World Championship is a credit to Matthias and the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team and it’s a victory that we’re very proud of. There is no doubt how hard Matthias works to be at the top of his game both on and off the bike; he has maintained the consistency and speed needed while navigating throughout this year’s races to bring home the trophy with his KTM 450 RALLY. Congratulations to Matthias and the team.”


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    KTM is plugged in and ready to buzz the biggest stage in international motocross thanks to the brand-new European Junior E-Motocross series that will debut at Mantova, Italy and the 74th edition of the Motocross of Nations this weekend. The most prestigious annual event for off-road motorcycle circuit racing is famous for bringing fans together under their national flags to support the three fastest riders from their selected country. The Motocross of Nations has delivered a battle of the ‘best of the best’ for more than seven decades and will now welcome and highlight the potential heroes for years to come with a new and exciting junior electric racing category. The European Junior E-Motocross Series is a ground-breaking five-round contest and will celebrate its international launch in the sand of the Tazio Nuvolari circuit in Mantova, Italy. In short, the initial invitational will bring almost 40 of the quickest and hungriest kids into the ideal learning environment, many of whom will be steering KTM’s potent electric minicycle: the KTM SX-E 5. the MX of Nations layout with the national teams, bikes and vibe of the whole spectacle is certainly something that will be memorable for any impressionable dirtbiker!
    Among the junior racers to come to Italy is Jagger Maddison, younger son of famed stunt motorcyclist Robbie. The Australian is already aware of the performance of the KTM SX-E 5 and is now ready to show his mettle under the watchful gaze of the international community of Pros and fans.
    The KTM SX-E 5 should be the most prominent bike in the gate at Mantova for what will be an educational introduction to elite race tracks as well as a learning experience in front of an international audience. The European Junior E-Motocross Series goes on to join the 2021 FIM MXGP Motocross World Championship at the next four rounds in Germany, France, and Spain (a double-header). The KTM SX-E 5 has a host of premium and innovative features, such as the adjustable subframe that lets the bike ‘grow’ with the kids. WP XACT Suspension, a light steel chromoly frame and 907Wh of stored energy that allows up to two hours of riding time.
    At the end of the season all riders taking part in the full European Junior E-Motocross Series will be able to enjoy a three-day training camp with a KTM world championship team and the EMXE Junior Series champion will win their pick of a KTM off-road bike.
    Florian Burguet, Vice President KTM Global Marketing:  “The European Junior E-Motocross series is not only a fabulous opportunity to allow youngsters to see and feel what it’s like to be part of a top level championship but also to show what our electric mini motocross bikes can do. It’s amazing that we can give the riders the chance to take it to the track at Mantova and be part of an occasion like the Motocross of Nations and then really get stuck into the championship during the Grands Prix. We love racing and EMXE Junior is about welcoming new kids and names and faces into this special world. It’s a big deal for the Group, and we hope that riders and their families can have fun, can learn and experience something that’s new and unique in international motocross.”
    David Luongo, CEO Infront Motor Racing:  “When we talked with KTM AG about establishing the European Junior E-Motocross series we were excited to be able to bring this proven electric technology to MXGP and then being able to make the international launch at Mantova. It doesn’t get much bigger or better than the Motocross of Nations. With KTM we know the competition will be first-class in terms of organisation, and ensuring the best and safest learning experiences for the kids. It’s an important and novel addition to our racing structure and a very welcome one. We can’t wait to see the bikes and the kids in the sand in Italy.”
    Round 1, launch/initiation event: Motocross of Nations, Mantova, Italy – September 25-26
    Round 2, Grand Prix of Germany, Teutschenthal – October 2-3
    Round 3, Grand Prix of France, LaCapelle Marival – October 9-10
    Round 4, Grand Prix of Spain, Arroyomolinos – October 16
    Round 5, Grand Prix of Spain, Arroyomolinos – October 17 More information can be found at


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    Wrapping up a remarkable 18-year, 9 FIM World Championships and 93 Grand Prix winning career at the end of 2021, Red Bull KTM Factory Racing icon Antonio Cairoli will move into an ambassadorial role with the KTM factory for the foreseeable future.
    • Antonio Cairoli is in the running for a 10th FIM World Championship in 2021 
    • #222 has won 6 out of his 9 FIM World Championships on KTM machinery
    • Cairoli has amassed 93 GP victories wins and 177 podiums to-date
    • The Italian will provide his expertise in key segments within the KTM group for the future
    Antonio ‘Tony’ Cairoli announced his plans at a special press conference alongside KTM management in Rome, today. The Italian will bring down the curtain on a glittering world championship career in which he has become statistically the second most decorated rider in the history of the sport and the greatest racer from his country to have thrown a leg over a motocross machine. Importantly, Tony gave KTM a first premier class crown in 2010 (his fourth and second in MXGP). He followed the achievement with a further four titles – all with the KTM 350 SX-F – before triumphing again in 2017 with the KTM 450 SX-F. Together with Claudio de Carli and his loyal technical crew, Cairoli has been a mainstay of the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team, image and development program since that first 2010 season. He has won at least one Grand Prix in all his 18 terms. Currently, Tony is still very much in the mix for a coveted 10th FIM World Championship title. Prior to this weekend’s FIM MXGP of Sardegna (ITA), Cairoli has accrued one win and five podium finishes from the nine rounds of 2021 MXGP. He is third in the standings and only 29 points from the top of the table. Cairoli’s contract extension with the KTM family means that the Italian will provide his expertise in various segments and potential future endeavors within the KTM group, all with the aim to continue developing the sport of Motocross for all audiences. Tony Cairoli:   “This is not an easy decision. I’ve always said that numbers and statistics did not mean that much to me. I think it was an achievement for me and my family to win one world championship so to have had a career like this is very special. I feel that it is the right time to stop. Everything around me makes it seem like the right decision, and we are still trying to win the title this year, so the motivation is high for this challenge. I want to thank all those who have helped me and supported me since I came to the world championship, and all along the way actually. There have been many faces and names and of course all the excitement and love from the fans. I have felt very much part of the KTM family from day one and we will continue our work and relationship together, but now in a different way. There is a lot more to do in life after 2021 but for now our goal is very clear.”    Pit Beirer, KTM Motorsports Director:  “Our story started in an impressive way because when Tony came to KTM when we still hadn’t won a title in the premier class and we were also developing the KTM 350 SX-F, so it’s like there were two challenges to conquer! To then win five consecutive championships and establish the 350 concept was a big milestone for us. Over the years the relationship became closer and the friendship grew even more. A lot of our success both in the U.S. and in MXGP arrived because of those first years with Tony and the belief that he had in us and the vision for the future. It’s something we didn’t forget and we won’t forget.” Robert Jonas, VP of Motorsports Offroad:   “We’re immensely proud to have been such a major part of Tony’s career story and to have contributed so much to one of the best motocross racers the sport has ever seen. When we first started working together with a motorcycle that was almost a gamble for the highest level of the world championship at that time, I don’t think we could have imagined the success that would come, and just how deep Tony was able to make his impression on MXGP. He has fans all over the world and some of the biggest are right here in the factory. It will be strange not to see that orange #222 on the track next season but his passion for riding and his experience will still be big assets for us. The story doesn’t quite end here.”   The 2021 calendar is due to finish with the Grand Prix of Mantova on 10/11. After this event, Tony will remain very much part of the KTM family and part of the KTM race department activities.


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    KTM is pleased to announce a new partnership with Infront Moto Racing, which will see the formation of an FIM Europe Junior e-Motocross Championship that will run over the next two years. This exciting new European racing series, which will take place alongside the prestigious FIM Motocross World Championship, is a new category being introduced to develop the next generation of racers aboard electrically powered junior motocross machines. KTM is proud to be at the forefront of innovation in the e-mobility sector; as global market leaders in offroad motorcycles along with a long-standing commitment to developing young talent, the new championship provides KTM with an ideal partnership opportunity thanks to its perfect synergy with the Austrian manufacturer’s READY TO RACE philosophy and futuristic vision. In addition to both the inclusion of the KTM SX-E 5 in KTM Junior Supercross exhibition races within the AMA Supercross Championship, and the possibility to race with this model in the Mini-E category in the US junior championships, the FIM Europe Junior e-Motocross Championship is an important next step for KTM in e-powered international motocross competition. The new five-round championship for riders aged 6-8 years old, which begins at the FIM Motocross of Nations in Italy in September, offers the chance for youth riders to develop their skills on Grand Prix circuits on the same weekend as the best motocross athletes in the world and competitors are eligible to compete onboard the KTM SX-E 5. The winner of the 2021 FIM Europe Junior e-Motocross Championship series will receive an ultra-exclusive and very special prize – a three-day opportunity with a factory race team. If the 2021 champion is a KTM SX-E 5 racer, they will receive exclusive access and a tailor-made training experience with the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team and its world championship athletes like no other. Additionally, KTM’s involvement with the series means that all young racers competing aboard KTM machinery will be provided with a special entry package comprising of a branded cap, bottle, t-shirt, umbrella and pit-board. All junior racers entered into the class will also be offered the chance to attend talks and track walks (during race weekends) hosted by some of the best professionals in the business. The on-track sessions for the new class will feature a free and timed practice, followed by two motos on an adapted version of each Grand Prix track. KTM’s dedicated e-technology team in R&D have been working on e-mobility products since the mid-2000s. Models such as the KTM FREERIDE E-SX and E-XC were originally announced nearly 10 years ago, followed by the KTM FREERIDE E-SM in 2015. Since then, KTM has remained committed to this sector; creating READY TO RACE machines powered by futuristic, state-of-the-art electric technology. The KTM SX-E 5 was launched in 2019, offering a premium READY TO RACE product for junior riders that provides major advantages in terms of adaptability for the young and aspiring racer. KTM then applied an extra pulse to its advanced e-mobility line-up in early 2021 with the introduction of the FACTORY REPLICA STACYC 12eDRIVE and 16eDRIVE electric balance bikes. KTM’s involvement with FIM Europe’s new Junior e-Motocross category is the next chapter in its e-mobility journey. To enter the 2021 FIM Europe Junior e-Motocross Championship visit: Florian Burguet, Vice President KTM Global Marketing: “At the very heart of KTM AG and its brands has always been our passion for introducing new people to offroad racing and the development of junior racers, which is why this new FIM Europe Junior series is incredibly important to us. Many of today’s professional racers, regardless of the brand they currently represent, began their racing journey on one of our Sportminicycles. Thanks to a complete motocross product line-up, young racers can begin their career on our junior bikes and continue their pathway on both 2-Stroke and 4-Stroke technology into the top tier of Grand Prix Motocross or Supercross. However, as the global offroad market leader, we feel it is KTM AG’s responsibility to support, promote and accelerate the implementation of electric motocross vehicles amongst young racers and offer alternative forms of racing. This is the start of a new chapter and we are happy to embrace the possibilities with our partnership with Infront Moto Racing for the FIM Europe Junior e-Motocross Championship, as it offers a new stepping-stone in the development of the motocross stars of tomorrow.” David Luongo, Infront Moto Racing CEO: “As promoter of the MXGP World Championship, Infront Moto Racing is very proud about this announcement. KTM AG and its brands have always been a leader in motocross. This new challenge leads us into the future of our sport and will be the first step onto a new path. Always related to the development of young talent, we are very excited to use the MXGP Grand Prix weekend to develop new technologies and we have no doubt that this new category will grow in the upcoming years. I would also like to thank FIM Europe for their great support.” Martin de Graaff, FIM Europe President: “This is a new development for young riders in the Motocross Championship. FIM Europe appreciates this step from KTM AG and Infront Moto Racing. It will be amazing for Junior riders to start their career in this way. This new championship fits in with the philosophy of KTM AG and its brands very well and the future of motorsports in general is depending on developments in a technical way of all kinds of energy sources. We are looking forward to the first races in this new Junior e-Motocross Championship.”


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    Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Cooper Webb concluded the 2021 AMA Supercross 450SX Championship season with a dominating victory aboard his KTM 450 SX-F FACTORY EDITION at the final round in Salt Lake City, Utah at the beginning of May to clinch his second, and KTM’s fifth crown in the ultra-competitive series. Widely recognized for his grit and determination to win, Webb has overcome his share of adversity since earning his first 450SX title in 2019. As the 2020 runner-up in Supercross, Webb missed most of the AMA Pro Motocross Championship due to a back injury and he even had a challenging start to 2021 with a ninth-place finish at the opening round. However, in true champion’s form Webb spent the early part of the season chipping away at the points deficit, as he prepared for a strong comeback in the second half of the series. The 25-year-old from North Carolina entered the final round with a comfortable 22-point advantage in the standings, but that didn’t slow the KTM ace when it came time for the gate to drop at Rice-Eccles Stadium. Webb delivered his eighth victory of the season with a masterful performance; the KTM racer concluded the 2021 series with his 13th podium from 17 races to secure the AMA Supercross 450SX class title, an FIM World Championship. Marvin Musquin furthered a remarkable night for the team as he delivered a strong runner-up performance to give Red Bull KTM Factory Racing back-to-back 1-2 podium sweeps in the final two races. From the last seven seasons, KTM has taken the prestigious AMA Supercross 450SX title on five occasions along with two closely fought runner-up results. The Austrian manufacturer is proud to again demonstrate its READY TO RACE philosophy with this latest success. Cooper Webb: “It’s been a heck of a year with everything in the world going on, but we dug deep this year and stayed the course. It’s been an incredible journey, a hard-fought season with a lot of hard races but this is all worth it right here. Being a two-time champion is incredible and to get the win tonight is the cherry on top. I’m speechless, this is incredible.” Ian Harrison – Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team Manager: “This season I think was Cooper’s strongest season – he got his most wins, and the competition was really tough, but he just fought his way through there. What a fighter, he was exceptionally strong at the end of all the races, and he put up a battle with so many guys on the last lap and came out victorious many times. Once we got to round four, he really found his groove and then he took command of the points lead around the middle of the season and there was no looking back. It was truly an amazing season, and it was awesome to be a part of it. Our team, everybody involved, they all did exactly what they needed to and more and we delivered, so I’m super happy.” Roger De Coster – Director of Motorsports, North America: “There have been many great champions over the years but when it comes to race craft and the really deep desire to win, Cooper is special and he ranks at the very top. Even when it was not necessary to win today – he could have just rode around and 18th would have been sufficient – but he decided he wanted to win the race and it was very impressive how he ended the season. The guy has so much heart, he keeps impressing me time after time and I’m really thankful for that. I’m also thankful for the people that make this possible because of course the rider is the biggest factor in this sport by a long margin, but there are also a lot of people that make this possible that have influence and make a difference in getting there. Especially the people in Austria, also Slovenia with Akrapovic and then all the people in the U.S. like WP Suspension, Carlos (Cooper’s mechanic) and so many other people that have something to do with this championship. I’m just thankful to still be a part of it and witness this awesome racing.” Robert Jonas - Vice President Motorsports Offroad: “It has been an incredible Supercross season. Cooper fought back to find some impressive consistency week after week and was able to deliver victories when it mattered most to take his second AMA Supercross 450SX Championship. It is KTM’s fifth championship victory in the category and our KTM 450 SX-F FACTORY EDITION is proven once again. I’d like to congratulate Cooper and the entire Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team for all of their success in what has been another intense season. Thanks also goes to everyone involved in achieving this victory - including those back at the factory in Austria, KTM R&D, KTM North America and to all of our partners. It’s great for us to be able to reflect on such a memorable season and celebrate this special achievement together.”  The Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team will take a few weeks off from racing as they gear up for the 2021 AMA Pro Motocross Championship, which is set to begin on Saturday, May 29 in Pala, California.


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    KTM, azienda leader nel settore delle due ruote motorizzate, cerca in Italia nuovi concessionari per alcune aree commerciali definite. La ricerca è indirizzata ad aziende già operanti nel settore automotive, preferibilmente con esperienza nel settore moto, già strutturate con officina di riparazione interna ed area espositiva disponibile per il marchio non inferiore a mq. 200. Per sottoporre la propria candidatura, si prega di compilare il modulo disponibile a questo link: A tutte le candidature verrà inviata risposta scritta.


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    KTM Factory Racing unveiled the KTM RC16 colors for the 2021 MotoGP FIM World Championship through a digital presentation that introduced the new look, line-ups and objectives for the anticipated season ahead. On March 28th 2021 MotoGP will tear away from the Losail International Circuit grid and into the Qatari night. As winners of the final round of 2020, perhaps more eyes will be on the four KTM RC16s that will inhabit rows spots and in the hands of Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Brad Binder (South African, 25) and Miguel Oliveira (Portuguese, 26) and Tech3 KTM Factory Racing’s Danilo Petrucci (Italian, 30) and Iker Lecuona (Spanish, 21).
    The manufacturer will be hoping to surpass their 4th position in the 2020 Constructors Standings and add to their grand total of three Pole Positions, nine podium trophies and three victories in what will be only their fifth season in the MotoGP paddock. The four-bike roster heads the KTM GP Academy: a stream of potential star athletes and machinery that stretches through the support classes of Moto2 and Moto3 and down into talent-spotting initiatives such as the Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup and the Northern Talent Cup.
    The 2021 liveries for Red Bull KTM Factory Racing and the fetching all-orange design for Tech3 KTM Factory Racing will add a prominent aesthetic to what will hopefully be another gripping MotoGP contest. Brad Binder, #33: “2020 in general was a season where I feel we achieved a lot, a few good results and obviously with the first victory – or KTM’s first victory – being the main thing. But there were also many days when we had the potential to do so much more. For sure now the margin is a little bit smaller to try and improve but I think as the season went on last year, even though we had a little bit of a slump in the middle, things got better and better. I felt like I was improving not only for the results but in the way approaching the weekends and going session-by-session. At the moment I feel that we have a really, really strong package. We are in a good direction and I am super-excited to get back on the bike this year.”


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    Appuntamento immancabile e attesissimo del panorama enduristico nazionale, il  Trofeo Enduro KTM  si prepara a vivere la sua sedicesima edizione, confermando la formula consolidata e vincente che da tanti anni scalda i motori e gli animi degli appassionati delle moto di Mattighofen. La novità più importante della prossima stagione è l’introduzione del numero chiuso a  170 piloti  per coloro che vorranno iscriversi all’intero Trofeo. Un’altra novità riguarda il numero di gare, che per il 2021 saranno ben 6 e si svolgeranno tra il 28 marzo e il 17 ottobre in località selezionate dallo staff del Trofeo, con l’organizzazione delle singole prove affidate ai Moto Club locali. Alla tappa inaugurale del 28 marzo a Città delle Pieve (PG) seguiranno quelle del 25 aprile al Lago di Viverone (BI), del 16 maggio a Brallo di Pregola (PV), del 6 giugno a Rufina (FI) e del 26 settembre a Casina (RE). Il gran finale è previsto a Bibione (VE) il 17 ottobre, dove verrà replicato lo spettacolare format dell’ultima gara del 2020. Un calendario davvero interessante dal punto di vista tecnico, concepito per consentire ai piloti e agli accompagnatori di trascorrere un weekend di divertimento, coniugando enduro, scoperta del territorio e svago. Nuovo anche il sito di riferimento, ,  che sfoggia una grafica aggiornata e una navigazione ancora più intuitiva, per iscriversi al Trofeo con pochi click e trovare tutte le informazioni, le news, le classifiche aggiornate e le gallery fotografiche. L’apertura delle iscrizioni è prevista per il prossimo  29 dicembre  con quella che si annuncia una “gara nella gara” per assicurarsi uno dei 170 posti disponibili. Oltre alle numerose novità, alcune conferme: il generoso montepremi, che verrà assegnato sulla base del punteggio maturato in tutte le gare (senza scarti) e il ricco Kit “READY TO RACE”, che come ogni anno verrà consegnato alla prima gara e comprende l’abbigliamento per tutti i trofeisti, le grafiche per le moto in gara e i prodotti messi a disposizione dalle numerose aziende partner del Trofeo Enduro KTM. Un’altra gradita conferma è la presenza di  Giovanni Sala  nel ruolo di “track inspector”. Il mito dell’enduro mondiale, ospite fisso nel paddock e sui percorsi di gara nelle passate edizioni, dispenserà preziosi consigli agli organizzatori locali e ai piloti, che potranno approfittare della sua grande esperienza per migliorare l’approccio alla gara. Confermato anche il monogomma  PIRELLI  con servizio assistenza sul campo effettuato da RIGA Gomme e il cronometraggio effettuato dall’equipe nazionale della  FICR , che con l’ausilio dei precisi transponder potranno fornire le classifiche in tempo reale sul sito . È iniziato il conto alla rovescia per una nuova, eccitante stagione… READY TO RACE!

    Per rivivere le emozioni dell'edizione 2020, clicca QUI.


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    KTM made history in Brno, Czech Republic yesterday as Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Brad Binder sensationally clinched the Austrian manufacturer’s first MotoGP victory in only his third premier class race aboard the KTM RC16. Round three of the 2020 series will remain a poignant and memorable event for KTM, which entered the MotoGP series full-time in 2017 with the then newly-developed KTM RC16. The manufacturer has since enjoyed front row qualifying results and a podium finish prior to yesterday’s incredible victory, where rookie Binder rewarded the project’s efforts at the Automotodrom Brno.

    Binder rode a calculated race, working his way through the front-runners from his seventh position on the grid to take the lead with nine laps to go of 21. The Red Bull KTM Factory Racing rider went from strength-to-strength, stretching out a comfortable advantage to take his, KTM’s and South Africa’s first ever race win in MotoGP – the pinnacle of two-wheeled motorsport. Binder is also the first rookie to win a race since 2013. Teammate Pol Espargaró, who has played a pivotal role in KTM’s MotoGP campaign and enjoyed the manufacturer’s maiden podium in the class in 2018, was unlucky to miss out on the battle for victory in yesterday’s race after colliding with another rider in the fight for third place. Red Bull KTM Tech3’s Miguel Oliveira enjoyed his best finish in the class with sixth position.

    KTM’s fourth season in the MotoGP category has proven exciting so far with the KTM RC16 battling at the sharp end of the field in the opening three races. The test team with rider Mika Kallio, who has been involved with the project from the beginning, along with MotoGP legend Dani Pedrosa has been fundamental in accelerating the development of the KTM RC16 in combination with the race team and engineers from KTM’s base in Munderfing and Mattighofen. In addition, this major sporting milestone for the brand also highlights KTM’s commitment to developing young riders as Binder has raced aboard orange machinery successfully in the Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup, Moto3™, Moto2™ and now finally MotoGP.

    Brad Binder: “Honestly, right now, I’m lost for words. I’ve dreamt of this since I was a little boy and today it came true. It is amazing to win my first GP [in MotoGP]. Thank you to everybody who supported me, and the whole team; they put an insane motorcycle beneath me today! I didn’t know if we could win but I knew we would have a go. It was the craziest ten laps of my life at the end. I was being as soft as I could. It was incredible. Unbelievable.”

    Miguel Oliveira: “It was a good end to the weekend. We had a decent race and I feel that we have done a good job the entire weekend. Looking at the race, our starting position cost us a better result but we need to live with that and do a better job next race in just a few days’ time.”

    Pol Espargaró: “It’s unfair but it is racing, and we have to deal with these things. I was behind Brad and watching the others and playing with the maps to be strong at the end. I felt I could make ‘58s in the last laps, so I was trying to be relaxed when the contact happened. I could not show my potential and win the first race for KTM but I’m happy for Brad because he’s a good guy and works hard. We had a real chance today and we’ll hope for another one very soon.”

    Mike Leitner , Red Bull KTM Race Manager: “It was amazing today. All weekend we felt quite competitive on this track with good lap-times among the riders and we expected something from the race. Brad had the race pace and Pol was at the same point, and even though we could not be happier we could have had even more from this GP! Miguel also did great to take sixth so in general we are more than happy. We started this project in 2017 and many people have been involved. We built a complete infrastructure in KTM. People in the company had the right mentality because we had to push; we did not have the road racing history of other manufacturers we are competing against. When I look back at these three years there have been ups-and-downs but the pay-off has been unbelievable today. We’ve seen in Jerez – and again here – that we are much closer to the front. On this long, technical track at Brno, and with our different technical philosophy with a steel chassis and WP Suspension, we got the job done and it’s a great payback to every person who has been connected to the project. I’m very happy to give back something to the KTM board for the great investment they made, their 100% belief and our main sponsor who also had full belief in us. Now, we will go to our home Grand Prix and will work hard from FP1.”

    Pit Beirer , KTM Motorsports Director: “For KTM this is an unbelievable day. It’s historic for our company and for the whole team but of course for Brad Binder, who has believed in us and our project for many years. Today is payback for so much hard work. We knew we had a better bike for this year and this did not happen by accident: it came from everything we learned during the last years. With Dani Pedrosa, Mika Kallio and the test team we worked and developed for over a full year to have this bike now. At the end of the day you need a fantastic rider to put the bike on the top step and Brad did it today, and in the same style as he won in Moto3 and Moto2 races for us. It´s an incredible feeling and we will now build on this result. On the other hand, I want to thank Pol Espargaro because also he - together with his crew – brought every piece of the puzzle together to bring this project to the top. Today is the result of a fantastic team effort; at home in Munderfing and Mattighofen, through the test team and a great crew on track.”

    Stefan Pierer , CEO KTM AG: “It is difficult to describe the intense emotions we feel on this very special and historic day for KTM. Firstly, I would like to congratulate Brad not only on his exceptional ride, but his loyalty and belief in KTM for many years – we will certainly enjoy this moment together. I would also like to share our thanks to Pol for his incredible effort in helping us achieve this victory; his work has been pivotal in the whole project and in reaching this point where we see our bikes near or at the front of the field. Since we began this program our ambition has been the same as it is for every racing discipline, and we knew that achieving our goals here would be exceptionally difficult, but not impossible. Step by step we have been moving closer and closer to the front, defying some expectations as we continued to believe in what we could achieve. To win a race in our fourth year in MotoGP is testament to the work ethic and knowhow of our KTM Motorsports department and R&D engineers. I would like to offer our special thanks to Pit Beirer and Mike Leitner for their lead in the project, and tireless work in making this program a success. Our vision is to create a clear pathway with our riders to the top, and this has been achieved with Brad following his success with KTM in the Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup, Moto3 and Moto2. We now look forward to our ‘home’ races at the Red Bull Ring where we can celebrate this huge milestone in KTM’s story.”

    Results MotoGP Monster Energy Grand Prix České republiky 2020 1. Brad Binder (RSA), Red Bull KTM
    2. Franco Morbidelli (ITA), Yamaha 41:22.666
    3. Johann Zarco (FRA), Ducati +4.495
    3. Valentino Rossi (ITA) Yamaha +5.546
    4. Alex Rins (JPN), Honda +6.113
    5. Joan Mir (ESP), Yamaha +7.693
    6. Miguel Oliveira (POR), Red Bull KTM Tech3 +7.969
    DNF. Pol Espargaro (ESP), Red Bull KTM
    DNF. Iker Lecuona (ESP), Red Bull KTM Tech3 Results Moto2 Monster Energy Grand Prix České republiky 2020
    1. Enea Bastianini (ITA) 39:13.926
    2. Sam Lowes (GBR) +0.423
    3. Joe Roberts (USA) +5.948
    8. Jorge Martin (ESP) Red Bull KTM Ajo +11.366
    11. Tetsuta Nagashima (JPN) Red Bull KTM Ajo +15.378 Results Moto3 Monster Energy Grand Prix České republiky 2020
    1. Dennis Foggia (ITA) Honda 39:06.370
    2. Albert Arenas (ESP) KTM +0.205
    3. Ai Ogura (JPN) Honda +0.251
    6. Raul Fernandez (ESP) Red Bull KTM Ajo +0.808


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    KTM celebrated its second MotoGP victory in the space of two weeks with Miguel Oliveira’s brilliantly judged first-ever success at the Red Bull Ring this weekend (August 21-23). The 25-year old not only claimed the first win for his Red Bull KTM Tech3 team in MotoGP but also for Portugal. Pol Espargaró fought for the checkered flag until the last corner and scored his second career podium in third place – a first double rostrum for the Austrian manufacturer in the premier class. KTM had all four RC16s in the top 10; more than any other brand. Celestino Vietti posted KTM’s second Moto3 victory in a row. A second Grand Prix in the space of seven days took place in the picturesque but challenging setting of the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg. Espargaró set off from Pole Position for the fifth outing of the season. The Spaniard launched from P1 for what was the first Pole for the factory (and the rider) in less than four terms in the premier class of MotoGP and just four years after KTM had announced their MotoGP plans and ambitions at the same circuit. An accident midway through the 28-lap spectacle produced the red flag for an air fence to be repaired at Turn 1. The 900th premier class race was restarted with a 12-lap distance and with all four KTM RC16s hunting the leading group. Espargaró surged to the front and engaged in a thrilling duel with Jack Miller on the last circulation. Miguel Oliveira was also extremely close and poised to make the most of any mistake. When Espargaró and Miller ran deep into the final turn Oliveira read the situation to perfection; powering past to claim the checkered flag on what was his 150th Grand Prix start. The result was also noteworthy for Red Bull KTM Tech3, representing their maiden triumph in the premier class in just their second campaign wearing KTM colors. Brad Binder, who clinched KTM’s first MotoGP victory in Brno just two races previously, secured 8 points for 8th position and remains 4th in a very close world championship table. The South African rookie was again very quick to make ground with the front-runners. Iker Lecuona charged to 10th. The Spaniard ended a positive fortnight at the Red Bull Ring: he notched his best ever MotoGP classification the previous Sunday with 9th and then his second top-10 result at the Styrian event. KTM is 3rd in the Constructors standings, just six points away from the top. The excellent progress as the youngest manufacturer at the highest level means KTM now concedes its concession status and will join its rivals in terms of testing, wildcard and engine limitations. An achievement in itself. Oliveira’s success ended Ducati’s clean sweep at the Red Bull Ring since 2016. Miguel Oliveira: “I’m very emotional…there is so much I want to say but I cannot at the moment. A big thank you to all the people that believed in me starting with my family, everyone in the team, sponsors and the Portuguese crowd. Thank you so much for your support. This is history today for me and my country and I couldn’t be happier to do it here in the home of KTM and Red Bull.” Pol Espargaró: “Anyone can win those kinds of races! Pretty crazy. I was fighting with Jack until the last corner and Miguel was able to profit but that’s racing. It was a beautiful race. Anyway, we made the podium, we are up here and I’m super-happy.” Brad Binder: “It was a good race. The first one was going really well and I was slowly catching up ground. To get up to 6th was already great. I felt really, really good. Unfortunately with the red flag and the restart I didn’t make the best decision with the tires and really struggled to stop, even running off at Turn 1 but I was able to come back to 8th. All-in-all we should be happy. I gave my best out there and the bike was fantastic. The team worked really well and I’m super-excited for the next race. I think we can do a good job at Misano.” Iker Lecuona: “For sure, I’m really happy. I finished in the top 10 again. In the first race, I overtook many riders, I had a very good pace and I was in ninth position. The best for me was to pass [Valentino] Rossi, because he was always my idol. This moment was very important for me. In the second part of the race my start was not great, I lost some positions, but I came back, stayed in 10th position and was having some great fights. I’m really happy. Thank you to my team. Thank you to KTM for the opportunity and congrats to KTM for Pol and obviously to my teammate Miguel!” Mike Leitner, Red Bull KTM Race Manager: “An unbelievable race. We had all four bikes in the top ten at our home race and with two riders fighting for victory. Pol was pushing all the way with Jack on the last lap and we know that the last two corners are crucial at this track. Both went wide but fortunately Miguel was in a great position to bring home the race and we’re super-happy about that. Both riders deserved it because Pol rode so well. Brad and Iker also scored good points and we have shown that the performance of the RC16 is really there.” Pit Beirer, KTM Motorsports Director: “It is hard to find the right words after such a wonderful day. I remember so well our first GP in Qatar when we started from last place and my words to our CEO Mr Pierer that we would turn things around and park our bike on the other side of the grid. We’ve had a double today: Pole and a win at our home Grand Prix with Moto3 as well and all four MotoGP bikes in the top ten with two on the podium. The project overall has been amazing. We have gone our own way and that approach is paying off. The team spirit and the atmosphere with so many people here at the circuit and back at the factory pushing like crazy bringing the results: it’s like a dream come true. I will need some time now to realize what has happened these last weeks.” Hervé Poncharal, Red Bull KTM Tech3 Team Principal: “What an incredible day, incredible emotions! It is something like forty years we’ve been in this business and we never won a MotoGP race. Today our dream came true. Here in Austria, which is in front of our title sponsor Red Bull, in front of the KTM management, our manufacturer. I would like also to dedicate this victory to Miguel because he has been pushing a lot. Year one was not easy; he was injured the second half of the season. We’ve been fast since the beginning of this year, the bike improved, he improved. Now we’ve done it. I’m very proud to see two KTMs on the rostrum. Clearly, this is now one of the bikes to beat. So let’s celebrate tonight and let’s hope there will be some other exciting days like today.” Moto2 & Moto3 SKY Racing Team VR46’s Celestino Vietti celebrated his very first Moto3 Grand Prix win aboard KTM machinery and his fifth appearance on the podium. In Moto2 Red Bull KTM Ajo’s Jorge Martin was harshly denied a second consecutive victory. The Spaniard rode brilliantly to lead from start to flag and deflected the attentions of Marco Bezzecchi. Martin was later demoted to 2nd after he marginally touched the green zone track limits on the final lap and was penalized. Martin is joint 2nd in the championship. Teammate Tetsuta Nagashima was 4th.


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    Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Tom Vialle has been crowned 2020 FIM MX2 Motocross World Champion after winning the first moto aboard his KTM 250 SX-F at the MXGP of Pietramurata in Arco di Trento, Italy today, Wednesday November 4.

    Vialle continues a rich MX2 history for KTM as the ninth rider to win a championship title in the lower capacity class aboard a KTM 250 SX-F. The Frenchman, who came into the penultimate round of 2020 with a sizeable points lead, took a dominant win in the opening moto at the picturesque Italian track to secure an emotional first world title.

    In only his second term racing at Grand Prix level, 20-year-old Vialle has demonstrated incredible talent and maturity in his approach throughout the 18-round championship. In a year of difficulties due to the global pandemic, Vialle’s strong start to 2020 was halted when MXGP racing was abruptly paused after just two rounds back in early March.

    The Frenchman returned for round three in Kegums, Latvia in August to win his second Grand Prix of the season, ahead of an intense schedule of races in the weeks following. The KTM star battled hard with the MX2 competition, scoring consistently strong results to earn a comfortable lead thanks to his seven Grand Prix overall victories heading into the final triple-header of the year.

    With 13 moto wins and 13 podiums so far this season, Vialle sensationally put his name in the history books by clinching the 2020 MX2 World Championship title to add to KTM’s outstanding success tally. The Frenchman’s victory confirms KTM’s fifth consecutive title in the category, with 13 championship victories in 17 years of MX2 competition for the Austrian manufacturer.

    The final race of the season will take place this Sunday, November 8 at the Pietramurata circuit in Arco di Trento for the MXGP of Garda Trentino.

    Tom Vialle – FIM MX2 Motocross World Champion
    “I’m so happy but there have been a lot of emotions today. I was a bit angry with the verdict (in qualifying) this morning but to make the holeshot and lead the first moto was fantastic. I was almost crying on the last lap. There was so much emotion. It was really special. Crazy. In the second moto we had some bad luck, but the important thing is that we achieved our goal. I want to say a big thanks to the whole team and everybody who worked together to make this happen. It was tiring to have a lot of races so close together and also keep the concentration through the training. I think we did it pretty good.”

    Dirk Gruebel - Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team Manager
    “Tom showed his potential in his first year with us in 2019. There was real progression, but then over the winter he made another big step to be a title contender and world champion. He didn’t look back. He doesn’t get nervous. He had real competition, but Tom finished every race in a good spot, mainly in the top five, mostly in the top three. That’s the key to being world champion and now we are here celebrating. Hats-off to him and his family, it’s unbelievable. We are known for having a fast 250 – also a 450! – but I still think we have the benchmark in MX2 for everybody and Tom is another rider who knows how to make starts with it. It’s a really good motorcycle and we’ve been winning since 2004 with that concept. Tom being the ninth world champion shows its quality.”

    Robert Jonas - KTM Vice President Motorsports Offroad
    “It’s been fantastic to see Tom grow with the team over the past two years and ultimately win the FIM MX2 Motocross World Championship; his maturity and approach to what has been a season of challenges with a lot of uncertainty has really paid off. Despite the natural pressure he had personally to step up again after his results last year, Tom has kept calm to make it happen week by week and our KTM 250 SX-F is proven once again. I wish Tom and his family huge congratulations for this incredible achievement, as we share this special moment together. I would like to congratulate Joel, Dirk and the entire Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team for their fantastic work with Tom to help nurture his talent and unlock his potential. To take a victory is never easy at this level, and we know 2020 has been a big challenge for everyone with a different type of intensity – but we are proud to have come through and to be celebrating this championship win.”


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    Andare dal punto A al punto B in modo sicuro, veloce ed efficiente è sempre stato importante, ma poterlo fare con una buona dose di adrenalina è ancora più divertente. La  KTM 890 ADVENTURE  è la scelta ideale, grazie alla sua potenza, alla sua versatilità e le sue grandi doti ciclistiche. La KTM 890 ADVENTURE è la naturale evoluzione della KTM 790 ADVENTURE. La moto è equipaggiata con il nuovo motore LC8c da 889 cm³ che incrementa le prestazioni a 105 CV e 100 Nm di coppia, mentre l’albero motore con il 20% in più di masse rotanti regala migliori sensazioni a bassi regimi e incrementa la centralizzazione delle masse e la trazione in curva. La KTM 890 ADVENTURE è dotata di una frizione perfezionata e più robusta per far fronte all’incremento delle prestazioni. Il nuovo motore è conforme agli standard Euro5. Le sospensioni WP APEX offrono un’escursione di 200mm e garantiscono un comportamento dinamico all’altezza del DNA della moto. Il monoammortizzatore è dotato di un nuovo registro dello smorzamento in estensione e di un pratico pomello per regolare il precarico della molla, a tutto vantaggio della massima stabilità della moto, sia sull’asfalto che in fuoristrada. L’ergonomia della KTM 890 ADVENTURE è ispirata alle moto che corrono nei Rally, con il serbatoio da 20 litri stretto tra le gambe che si sviluppa verso il basso. La moto risulta snella, leggera e maneggevole, con la sella accessibile alla maggior parte dei piloti. La nuova KTM 890 ADVENTURE è dotata di pneumatici specifici Adventure, di un display TFT interfacciabile con lo smartphone per gestire la propria playlist e le telefonate in ingresso e grazie all’app KTM MY RIDE è possibile navigare punto per punto. Il nuovo telaietto posteriore è più leggero e robusto, per sostenere il passeggero e il bagaglio. La moto è dotata di un ricco pacchetto elettronico: cornering ABS sensibile all'angolo di piega, 3 mappe per regolare il Cornering Traction Control (in più è disponibile la modalità Rally opzionale) e regolazione della coppia del motore in fase di rilascio (anche questo opzionale). Numerose le KTM PowerParts disponibili, tra le quali spiccano il Cruise Control (con l’interruttore a manubrio ora di serie), il Quickshifter+ (con impostazioni ottimizzate), la sella e le manopole riscaldate e le numerose combinazioni di valige laterali e borse da serbatoio.

    KTM 890 ADVENTURE - CARATTERISTICHE PRINCIPALI DEL MODELLO // Nuovo motore con ulteriori 90 cm³ di cilindrata // Prestazioni migliorate con 105 CV e 100 Nm (Euro 5) // Migliore guidabilità grazie al 20% in più di masse rotanti // Frizione più robusta adattata alle prestazioni potenziate // Sistema di controllo del battito in testa (in caso di uso di carburante a basso numero di ottani) // Componenti WP Suspension di elevata qualità e nuovo ammortizzatore // Freni anteriori e posteriori rinnovati per un maggiore controllo // Impostazioni migliorate per ABS e controllo della trazione // Mozzi delle ruote anodizzati anziché verniciati a polvere // Interruttore a manubrio del Cruise Control (software aggiuntivo) // Peso ottimale grazie a motore e serbatoio compatti // Profilo snello, ergonomia perfezionata e nuove grafiche // Adatta ai viaggi, con sella in due parti (regolabile per il pilota) e parafango ribassato // Connettività smartphone per gestire musica e telefonate // App opzionale KTM MY RIDE per la navigazione turn-by-turn

    Joachim Sauer, Product Manager Travel di KTM:  “Con lo sviluppo della nuova KTM 890 ADVENTURE abbiamo raggiunto tutti i nostri obiettivi offrendo una moto di livello superiore per la guida su strada e in fuoristrada. Abbiamo lavorato tantissimo sul nuovo motore per ottimizzare le prestazioni assolute e le sensazioni che si provano a bordo. Come risultato abbiamo ottenuto un grande miglioramento nella guidabilità della moto, una migliore stabilità, meno cambi marcia e un maggior comfort per lunghe giornate in sella. Con la KTM 890 ADVENTURE volevamo creare una moto che si confermasse un punto di riferimento per le sue prestazioni sull’asfalto, pur rivelandosi capace di deviare fuori strada e mantenere gli standard elevati garantiti dal Marchio. Come una vera KTM ADVENTURE, questa è una moto fantastica per avventurarsi ovunque.”
    La KTM 890 ADVENTURE arriverà presso i Concessionari KTM di tutto il mondo a partire da dicembre 2020


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    Dopo migliaia di ore di sviluppo e test sul campo, l’app myKTM è pronta per essere utilizzata dai clienti KTM sull'intera gamma a 4 tempi SX-F 2021 (e sulla KTM 450 SX-F Factory Edition 2020). Attraverso un menu intuitivo e facile da consultare, questo strumento innovativo permette di modificare con semplicità e in poco tempo alcuni dei parametri fondamentali del motore, oltre a fornire consigli utili per il setting delle sospensioni WP.
    Per utilizzare l’app myKTM è necessario installare sul manubrio della moto la Connectivity Unit, un’interfaccia da collegare via Bluetooth allo smartphone, che funge anche da paracolpi. Una volta sincronizzata, la moto viene aggiunta al “GARAGE virtuale” visibile sull'app ed è possibile accedere a differenti opzioni per la messa a punto del MOTORE, oltre a visualizzare preziosi consigli per regolare al meglio le SOSPENSIONI. Selezionando MOTORE i piloti possono personalizzare i parametri del propulsore in base alle loro preferenze, per adattarli al tracciato e alle condizioni che dovranno affrontare. Il sistema prevede un approccio progressivo, con diverse impostazioni predefinite che consentono di modificare parametri chiave come il FRENO MOTORE, la RISPOSTA DELL’ACCELERATORE, il CONTROLLO DI TRAZIONE e il LAUNCH CONTROL. Le modifiche apportate tramite l'app si percepiscono in modo netto, chiaro e puntuale, a garanzia di un'esperienza di guida superiore rispetto a quanto è possibile fare utilizzando il selettore di mappe standard.
    Nella sezione SOSPENSIONI i piloti ricevono utili indicazioni su come migliorare ulteriormente la già eccellente guidabilità della loro KTM SX-F. L'ASSISTENTE SAG e i consigli per il SETTING DELLE SOSPENSIONI permettono infatti di intervenire nel migliore dei modi sulla regolazione della forcella e del monoammortizzatore WP, in base alle caratteristiche del pilota e al tipo di terreno (fondo duro, fangoso o sabbioso). I principianti apprezzeranno la chiarezza delle indicazioni fornite dall’app, mentre i più esperti potranno affinare ulteriormente le proprie conoscenze per limare decimi preziosi sul giro. Joachim Sauer, Senior Product Manager Offroad di KTM : "sono entusiasta del lancio sul mercato dell'app myKTM. È uno strumento ideato per migliorare l'esperienza di guida e per far sì che ogni pilota alla guida di una KTM SX-F possa trarre il massimo dalla sua moto grazie alle numerose regolazioni disponibili. Siamo molto soddisfatti della versatilità dell'app e di come le modifiche apportabili via smartphone abbiano un effetto così immediato e diretto sulla guida in pista. Il nostro lavoro continua e per il futuro vorremmo ampliare l'uso e le funzionalità dell'app myKTM, per estenderla ad altri modelli della gamma offroad KTM." La Connectivity Unit è disponibile nel catalogo KTM PowerParts al prezzo di 169 euro, mentre l’app myKTM è scaricabile gratuitamente per iOS e Android.


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    Concepito con il preciso intento di offrire un’esperienza motociclistica a 360°, il RIDE OUT EXPERIENCE è un evento riservato a 20 partecipanti che desiderano trascorrere una giornata a bordo della propria bicilindrica in compagnia di KTM e PIRELLI, affinare le proprie tecniche di guida su strada e in fuoristrada e testare i nuovi modelli della famiglia KTM Adventure equipaggiati con gli pneumatici della gamma PIRELLI SCORPION™. Le moto disponibili per i test ride saranno la piccola e leggera 390 ADVENTURE, le innovative e versatili 790 ADVENTURE e 790 ADVENTURE R e le potentissime e ipertecnologiche 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S e 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE R. Il primo appuntamento è fissato per venerdì 2 ottobre a Oleggio Castello (NO) e “campo base” sarà lo splendido Castello Dal Pozzo. Qui lo staff di KTM e PIRELLI, supportato dalla presenza degli istruttori federali qualificati della scuola di motociclismo In Moto Col Gigi, accoglierà 20 proprietari di maxi-enduro che hanno superato le selezioni online. Dopo una breve fase introduttiva, gli ospiti effettueranno un tour guidato di "warm up" alla scoperta delle più belle strade che circondano il Lago Maggiore. Successivamente verranno suddivisi in base alle proprie capacità e parteciperanno a tre sessioni di guida denominate TOUR, PARK e TEST: le prime due si svolgeranno con la propria moto, mentre la terza si terrà a bordo dei modelli della gamma KTM Adventure, equipaggiati con pneumatici PIRELLI, tra cui SCORPION™ RALLY STR e SCORPION™ RALLY. SCORPION™ RALLY STR rappresenta una rivoluzione nel mondo degli pneumatici per moto adventure perché riesce a conciliare e racchiudere in sé le migliori prestazioni di uno pneumatico da competizione rally con quelle di uno pneumatico da enduro stradale, mentre l’iconico SCORPION™ RALLY è la scelta migliore per pure performance off road. La guida in fuoristrada si svolgerà all’interno della splendida tenuta che circonda il Castello Dal Pozzo, nella quale sono stati realizzati percorsi ad hoc per tutti i livelli. Qui di seguito il programma dettagliato: Dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 9.30: accoglienza e registrazioni
    Dalle ore 9.30 alle ore 10.00: briefing introduttivo Dalle ore 10.15 alle 11.45: tour guidato di "warm up" su strade aperte alla circolazione a bordo della propria motocicletta Dalle ore 12.00 alle 13.00: suddivisione dei partecipanti in gruppi e inizio delle attività di TOUR (guida su strada) e PARK (scuola guida in fuoristrada) - entrambe a bordo della propria motocicletta - e TEST (a bordo dei modelli KTM Adventure equipaggiati con pneumatici PIRELLI SCORPION™) Dalle ore 13.00 alle 13.45: pausa pranzo presso il Castello Dal Pozzo Dalle ore 13.45 alle 17: proseguo delle sessioni di PARK, TOUR e TEST Dalle ore 17.30 alle 18.00: chiusura dell’evento e congedo dei partecipanti. Le sessioni TOUR, PARK e TEST di svolgeranno a rotazione e tutti gli ospiti verranno egualmente coinvolti nelle attività.   Il costo di partecipazione all’evento è fissato in 100 euro e il numero massimo di adesioni è limitato a 20 partecipanti, che verranno selezionati online dallo staff di KTM e PIRELLI. I dettagli per accedere alle selezioni sono disponibili su: Per maggiori informazioni:


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    Quando si combinano le parole “ READY TO RACE ” e “ Dakar ”, la mente corre veloce alla moto che ha conquistato ben nove vittorie consecutive nel più prestigioso dei rally-raid: la  KTM 450 RALLY . Negli ultimi anni la moto è stata sviluppata in gara da fuoriclasse del calibro di Toby Price, Matthias Walkner e Sam Sunderland, che alla Dakar hanno conquistato ben 4 vittorie tra il 2016 e il 2019. Sulla base delle indicazioni dei piloti ufficiali del Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Rally Team è nata la KTM 450 RALLY REPLICA 2021, una moto realizzata in serie limitata e dedicata a quei Clienti che pretendono il massimo in termini di tecnologia e prestazioni. Spinta da un poderoso motore monocilindrico SOHC a iniezione elettronica da 450 cm³, inserito in un telaio a traliccio in acciaio al Cromo-Molibdeno specificamente sviluppato per i rally, la 450 RALLY REPLICA è equipaggiata con componenti tecnici esclusivi, come la forcella WP XACT PRO a cartuccia chiusa da 48mm, dotata della sofisticata tecnologia Cone Valve e il monoammortizzatore WP XACT PRO, entrambi completamente regolabili. Tutta la moto è studiata nei minimi particolari e anche la parte aerodinamica, così come le sovrastrutture e l’ergonomia, sono state sviluppate per garantire velocità ed efficienza su qualunque terreno. Le novità di maggior rilievo per il modello 2021 riguardano la taratura più rigida delle sospensioni per affrontare al meglio le asperità e il nuovo cambio, realizzato da PANKL Racing Systems AG in stretta collaborazione con i tecnici della divisione KTM Rally, che garantisce un incremento dell’affidabilità del motore grazie all’adozione di un nuovo comando desmodromico, e maggiori performance in virtù di rapporti più lunghi, gli stessi utilizzati sulle moto ufficiali Stefan Huber, Direttore tecnico del Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Rally Team:  “lo sviluppo non si ferma mai! Siamo orgogliosi della KTM 450 RALLY REPLICA 2021. Con questo modello abbiamo definito uno standard molto elevato e offriamo ai clienti un prodotto del tutto vicino alle moto ufficiali che prepariamo per affrontare i rally più duri al mondo. Come da tradizione, ogni miglioria introdotta sulle moto da gara viene riportata sul prodotto di serie, ciò significa che la versione 2021 rappresenta il meglio della produzione disponibile oggi sul mercato. La struttura del cambio e la configurazione dei rapporti faranno la differenza per i piloti che vogliono spingere al massimo la KTM 450 RALLY REPLICA. Corriamo per vincere e per creare il miglior prodotto disponibile per quei Clienti che vogliono un prodotto al top delle prestazioni. Personalmente, non vedo l’ora di ammirarla in azione durante le competizioni del prossimo anno, Dakar 2021 compresa!”   La KTM 450 RALLY REPLICA 2021 è realizzata in soli 85 esemplari per tutto il mondo e viene venduta a 25.900 euro + IVA e trasporto. La commercializzazione è prevista a partire da settembre 2020. Per chi fosse interessato a partecipare alla Dakar 2021, è possibile richiedere un pacchetto supplementare a pagamento che garantisce la manutenzione e l’assistenza durante la gara. I Concessionari KTM sono disponibili per fornire ulteriori informazioni


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    Milioni di giri sui tracciati di tutto il mondo, vittorie, trofei e dedizione totale al motocross hanno contribuito a sviluppare i nuovi modelli della gamma KTM SX 2021, le moto tecnologicamente più avanzate e READY TO RACE del mercato.
    Nel 2019 KTM ha conquistato il suo quarto titolo AMA Supercross 450 in cinque anni grazie al brillante talento di Cooper Webb, al debutto in sella alla KTM 450 SX-F FACTORY EDITION, mentre nel Campionato Mondiale FIM MXGP KTM ha conquistato 13 podi con tre piloti diversi, ottenendo sei vittorie di GP.
    Nella combattuta classe MX2, la KTM 250 SX-F si è confermata prolifica di successi grazie all’immenso talento di Jorge Prado, che nel 2019 ha conquistato il suo secondo titolo mondiale consecutivo, portando a 12 il numero di titoli raccolti dal Team Red Bull KTM Factory Racing in questa categoria sui 16 assegnati dalla sua nascita, nel lontano 2004.
    Nell’edizione 2019 del campionato mondiale FIM 125 Junior Motocross otto delle prime nove posizioni sono state occupate da piloti in sella a KTM 125 SX, mentre nelle classi 65 e 85 KTM ha sbaragliato la concorrenza. Per la stagione 2021 KTM punta sostanzialmente a due obiettivi: creare le moto da cross più leggere, maneggevoli, potenti, utilizzabili e ben equipaggiate del mondo e garantire che i Clienti di qualsiasi età o capacità trovino il pacchetto tecnico più evoluto per soddisfare i propri desideri.
    A livello generale gli aggiornamenti per i modelli 2021 sono focalizzati su modifiche alla ciclistica, migliorie all’architettura dei motori per aumentarne ulteriormente l’affidabilità, nuove gomme Dunlop e una nuova veste grafica. Le sospensioni WP XACT sono state aggiornate con nuovi componenti, che riconfigurati con impostazioni standard più sostenute consentono di aumentare la sensibilità e il comfort durante la guida. Novità anche per gli pneumatici: i tecnici di KTM hanno trovato nelle prestazioni e nelle qualità dei Dunlop Geomax MX-33 la scelta perfetta per la gamma SX 2021. La grande novità per i modelli 2021 4T è legata al debutto dell’app  myKTM , uno strumento che consente di variare alcuni parametri dei motori 4 tempi.
    Mediante l'uso di un kit aggiuntivo integrato nella protezione manubrio e collegato via Bluetooth alla centralina motore, i piloti potranno personalizzare la propria KTM SX-F in base alle loro preferenze e alle condizioni del tracciato, senza bisogno di assistenza tecnica. La tecnologia di myKTM permette di intervenire su un'ampia serie di parametri in tempo reale, un privilegio che fino a poco tempo fa era riservato a una ristretta cerchia di piloti ufficiali KTM. Il kit sarà disponibile nel catalogo KTM PowerParts a partire da luglio, mentre l’applicazione sarà scaricabile gratuitamente a partire dal 25 luglio 2020. AGGIORNAMENTI MODELLI SX-F La KTM 450 SX-F, il modello di punta della gamma a 4 tempi, beneficia di alcune modifiche al pistone, all'albero motore, al carter motore, ai bilancieri e al comando desmodromico del cambio per migliorare ancora di più la già eccellente affidabilità della moto, ridurre ulteriormente il peso e rendere la manutenzione generale più semplice. AGGIORNAMENTI MODELLI SX La KTM 125 SX spicca nella gamma 2 tempi di KTM per il suo straordinario rapporto peso/potenza e per il modello 2021 vanta un nuovo pistone e componenti interni della frizione aggiornati. Questi miglioramenti li ritroviamo anche nella KTM 150 SX, una moto che può dare del filo da torcere anche alle 250 4T! AGGIORNAMENTI MODELLI SPORTMINICYCLE Lo stesso impegno profuso per lo sviluppo della gamma SX lo ritroviamo anche nella gamma minicross 2021. Le KTM 85 SX, KTM 65 SX, KTM 50 SX e la KTM 50 SX MINI possono contare su un nuovo comando dell’acceleratore che consente di ottenere un'erogazione migliore e più progressiva. La potenza frenante della KTM 85 SX è stata incrementata grazie ai dischi di dimensioni più generose e da nuove pinze realizzate da FORMULA. Tutti i modelli montano un nuovo manubrio biconico che permette l'installazione di manopole ODI con fissaggio lock-on. Per la KTM 50 SX e la KTM 50 SX MINI, il nuovo manubrio consente l'installazione di manopole più sottili di 5mm rispetto alla versione precedente.
    "I nostri tecnici non finiscono mai di lavorare, sia qui a Mattighofen che negli Stati Uniti. Grazie all'esperienza maturata nelle gare di motocross e supercross ai massimi livelli in tutto il mondo, siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che la gamma SX 2021 è la più avanzata sul mercato. Leader per categoria e prestazioni, i nuovi modelli si caratterizzano per miglioramenti tecnici mirati e per un look rinnovato e ancor più READY TO RACE. Per il 2021, siamo davvero entusiasti di introdurre l'app myKTM per tutti i modelli a 4 tempi, si tratta di uno strumento avanzato pensato per supportare i piloti a sviluppare al massimo il loro potenziale,"  ha confermato Joachim Sauer, Product Manager Offroad di KTM.
    La gamma KTM SX 2021 sarà disponibile nei concessionari KTM di tutto il mondo a partire da giugno 2020.
    Qui di seguito riportiamo i prezzi di listino, IVA inclusa:
    GAMMA KTM SX 2021
    • 125 SX                         8.740 €
    • 150 SX                         9.000 €
    • 250 SX                         9.225 €
    • 250 SX-F                      10.125 €
    • 350 SX-F                      10.470 €
    • 450 SX-F                      10.815 €
    • 50 SX                           4.295 €
    • 50 SX MINI                  4.115 €
    • 65 SX                           5.125 €
    • 85 SX (17/14 - 19/16)  6.065 €
    • 50 SX-E 5                     5.050 €
    • CARICABATTERIA        399 €
    • ADATTATORE EU         20 €


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    Che si tratti di correre o solo di giocare, l’offerta tra i modelli KTM EXC 2 tempi dotati della rivoluzionaria tecnologia di iniezione nei travasi TPI e i modelli EXC-F 4 tempi assicura ai piloti professionisti come agli amatori di ogni età e capacità di poter guidare il mezzo adatto alle proprie esigenze. La versatilità, la potenza e l’agilità intrinseche in tutta la gamma rendono ogni modello KTM EXC assolutamente entusiasmante.
    Il know-how e l'esperienza che KTM ha maturato gareggiando nel WESS Enduro World Championship e in altre competizioni di livello mondiale hanno contributo allo sviluppo della gamma KTM EXC 2021. Le nuove moto rappresentano la massima espressione della tecnologia e delle performance e si caratterizzano per una livrea nuova in pieno stile READY TO RACE. I maggiori aggiornamenti si concentrano su cambiamenti ai componenti delle sospensioni, interventi al motore e grafiche inedite.
    La  KTM 300 EXC TPI  è il modello di punta della gamma 2 tempi, ha un rapporto peso-potenza impressionante e offre una guidabilità eccezionale per regalare emozioni forti anche ai piloti più esigenti. Il 2021 segna il quarto anno di vita dell’avanzato sistema di iniezione a controllo elettronico per 2 tempi sviluppato da KTM. La tecnologia TPI ha portato nuova linfa al motore a miscela, ne ha esteso le possibilità in termini di prestazioni, fluidità nell’erogazione della potenza e feeling di guida, pur rispettando i più recenti standard in termini di emissioni. I vantaggi pratici sono evidenti perché non serve più affinare la carburazione o preoccuparsi delle condizioni meteo o dell’altitudine in occasione di una gara o di una semplice uscita tra amici. Per il 2021 il modello  KTM 150 EXC TPI  è stato dotato di un nuovo pistone fuso (in luogo di quello forgiato), che offre prestazioni superiori e più omogenee.
    Per la gamma 4 tempi KTM continua la sua missione per confermare i modelli EXC-F le motociclette più competitive sul mercato. Peso ridotto, coppia imbattibile, gestione del motore efficiente, erogazione fluida e affidabilità ancora maggiore sono le priorità di sviluppo per KTM negli ultimi anni. Progettate per i piloti di ogni livello, le KTM EXC-F 2021 sono motociclette vincenti dall’enorme potenziale in tutte le discipline dell’off-road.
    Le novità tecniche per 2021 interessano la  KTM 450 EXC-F  e l’esuberante  KTM 500 EXC-F , che vengono dotate di un nuovo attuatore desmodromico del cambio, mentre punta di diamante della famiglia si conferma la  KTM 350 EXC-F 2021 , concepita per unire le prestazioni e il passo di un “quattroemmezzo” alla rapidità e agilità di un “duemmezzo”.
    Sul fronte della ciclistica, la forcella WP XPLOR che equipaggia l’intera gamma EXC 2021 è stata ulteriormente affinata. Capace di offrire prestazioni collaudate in gara nelle condizioni più estreme, la forcella è ora dotata di un registro per la regolazione del precarico che consente di intervenire con la massima semplicità sui settaggi al variare delle condizioni del fondo.
    La gamma KTM EXC del 2021 è ulteriormente impreziosita dai modelli  KTM EXC SIX DAYS  e dalla  KTM 300 EXC TPI ERZBERGRODEO : moto in serie limitata concepite per conquistare i terreni più difficili e le gare più dure. La nuova  KTM 300 EXC TPI ERZBERGRODEO  è un tributo speciale all’ErzbergRodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble. Vera moto in edizione limitata, la  KTM 300 EXC TPI ERZBERGRODEO  vanta una lunga lista di componenti speciali che ne rafforzano il pedigree READY TO RACE.
    Da molti anni KTM supporta la più importante manifestazione di Enduro al mondo, la International Six Days Enduro (ISDE), celebrandola con i suoi modelli  KTM EXC SIX DAYS . Dotati di una impressionante lista di raffinati componenti, tra cui spiccano la forcella WP XPLOR di ultima generazione, le piastre lavorate dal pieno, il pulsante per la selezione delle mappe e le esclusive grafiche, questi modelli sono pronti per affrontare le prove speciali più impegnative.
    In parallelo ai modelli KTM EXC del 2021, sono state sviluppate la collezione di abbigliamento  KTM PowerWear  e la linea di accessori  KTM PowerParts  per offrire i massimi livelli di prestazioni, protezione e agilità sia al pilota che alla sua moto.
    Le nuove moto arriveranno negli showroom KTM a partire da luglio 2020. Per maggiori informazioni visita:


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    4K PROTECTION è un prodotto costruito su misura per tutti i clienti KTM: conveniente, semplice, trasparente e con ampie possibilità di personalizzazione. Scegliendo 4K PROTECTION è possibile usufruire di numerosi vantaggi, come per esempio la formula di assistenza stradale “Easyway Bike A-Plus”, acquistabile anche singolarmente senza la polizza RC, che con soli 75 euro all’anno garantisce il recupero del veicolo fino a 600 km (tra andata e ritorno), l’assistenza all’estero e la minikasko abbigliamento e molto altro. Quale segnale di affidabilità e serietà 4K PROTECTION prevede un massimale superiore a quello previsto per legge, oltre alla rinuncia alla rivalsa e alla guida libera sempre comprese. Offre inoltre ai possessori di moto KTM la possibilità di scegliere tra un’ampia gamma di garanzie aggiuntive, quali furto e incendio, assistenza stradale, infortuni del conducente e tutela legale. Per sviluppare e offrire 4K PROTECTION, KTM si avvale della preziosa partnership di P&T INSURANCE BROKER SRL, intermediario assicurativo specializzato nell’offrire soluzioni innovative e complete per il mondo delle due ruote che opera in collaborazione con PARODI E TIGANI SRL, punto di riferimento nel panorama nazionale per i programmi assicurativi riservati ai motociclisti. Tutti i dettagli e l’offerta di 4K PROTECTION sono disponibili sul sito o presso la rete dei Concessionari KTM.


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    In KTM si sa, siamo tutti appassionati di Racing… e nonostante il calendario delle gare di quest'anno sia stato stravolto e la maggior parte delle tappe si disputeranno a porte chiuse, con il KTM FAN PACKAGE vogliamo garantire ai nostri supporter di essere READY TO RACE ogni minuto del weekend di gara.

    KTM ORANGE DAYS: le novità della gamma stradale 2020 in prova presso i concessionari ufficiali

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    Salire in sella e ripetere quei gesti abituali, come infilarsi il casco, i guanti, avviare il motore, la prima in giù… Siamo finalmente tornati ad assaporare il gusto di guidare la nostra moto e, perché no, valutare di acquistarne una nuova. Con questo sentimento di grande positività, i Concessionari ufficiali KTM sono pronti ad accogliere i Clienti presso i propri showroom e offrire loro un test ride a bordo delle novità della gamma stradale 2020. Che si parli di SMC R, DUKE o SUPER DUKE, imbattibili nel misto, o di un modello della famiglia ADVENTURE, ideale per macinare migliaia di chilometri in pieno comfort, la gamma delle stradali KTM è ampia e soddisfa le esigenze di tutti, dal teenager al grande viaggiatore. Per una migliore gestione dei flussi in concessionaria, il sito ufficiale KTM offre la possibilità di prenotare un test ride con il modello preferito in pochi clic: basta infatti visitare la sezione “Book a Test Ride”, selezionare il modello da provare, verificarne la disponibilità presso il Concessionario KTM più vicino, scegliere il giorno e l’orario preferito e inviare la richiesta. Il Concessionario risponderà in poche ore e basterà presentarsi muniti di abbigliamento tecnico adeguato e tanta voglia di divertirsi! Tutte le informazioni sulla gamma stradale KTM sono disponibili su   Per ulteriori informazioni, i Concessionari KTM sono a disposizione.

    KTM proroga le promozioni sulla gamma stradale e fuoristrada

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    KTM annuncia la proroga delle promozioni in corso fino al 31 maggio 2020. Sono interessati i modelli della gamma stradale Duke e Adventure 2019 e i modelli Enduro e Cross 2020. KTM proroga fino al 31 maggio le promozioni attualmente in corso “ Let’s Trade Keys”  e “ Power Duke”  riservate ai modelli stradali e “ Da Zero a 1000”  e “ La tua licenza vale di più”  riservate ai modelli offroad. Confermate anche le iniziative promosse con il programma  KTM Finance , come  KTM Start Now , che consente di acquistare alcuni modelli della gamma stradale con  Valore Futuro Garantito .   MODELLI STRADALI Con  “Let’s Trade Keys”  fino al 31 maggio le  KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S  e  1290 SUPER ADVENTURE R  godono di una supervalutazione dell’usato in permuta di ben 1.500 euro, mentre per le  KTM 790 ADVENTURE  e  KTM 790 DUKE  la supervalutazione è di 1.000 euro. Grazie alla promozione “ Power Duke” , a fronte dell’acquisto di una moto nuova della gamma Duke ( 125 e 390 DUKE tutti i modelli, 1290 SUPER DUKE R  modello 2019 e precedenti), i concessionari KTM aderenti all’iniziativa danno in omaggio il prestigioso scarico  Akrapovič Slip-On Line . Dalla promozione è escluso il modello 690 DUKE.   Rinnovate anche le campagne di KTM Finance. Il sistema d’acquisto con Valore Futuro Garantito  Start Now di KTM Finance  consente di comprare una nuova KTM in modo semplice e immediato. Una volta scelto il modello, basta dare un anticipo e concordare l’importo della rata e la durata in base alle proprie necessità. Dopo 23 o 35 mesi, il cliente potrà decidere se tenere la moto e quindi pagare l’importo restante (con la possibilità di farlo tramite un nuovo finanziamento), restituirla senza ulteriori impegni oppure sostituirla con una nuova KTM, potendo contare su una valutazione certa del mezzo usato grazie al Valore Futuro Garantito. In quest’ultimo caso, se il valore del mezzo usato sarà superiore rispetto al Valore Futuro Garantito, la differenza potrà essere utilizzata come anticipo per salire su una nuova KTM.   Start Now di KTM Finance è disponibile oggi per alcuni tra i più diffusi modelli stradali di KTM, come l’intera  gamma Duke  (esclusa la 690 DUKE), le ADVENTURE 390, 790, 790 R RALLY e la 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S.   MODELLI FUORISTRADA Con la formula “ Da Zero a 1000”  tutti coloro che acquistano un modello  Enduro EXC 2020 , anche Six Days, entro il 31 maggio hanno diritto a un bonus di 1.000 euro per l’acquisto di accessori originali KTM PowerParts e abbigliamento tecnico e casual KTM PowerWear. Per gli amanti del Motocross, grazie alla promozione  “La tua licenza vale di più”  i concessionari KTM offrono un vantaggio del 10% sul prezzo di listino per l’acquisto di un modello  SX o MINI 2020  a tutti i possessori di licenza agonista FMI, UISP o ASI e di tessera Sport FMI. I contributi potranno andare dagli oltre 400 euro nel caso della KTM 50 SX, agli oltre 1.000 euro per la KTM 450 SX-F. Inoltre, grazie al programma KTM Finance, a queste promozioni è possibile abbinare il vantaggio di un piano di finanziamento a tasso TAN 0% (tasso fisso) e TAEG 2,58% (tasso fisso). Tutte le informazioni relative alle promozioni sono disponibili sul sito o presso la rete dei Concessionari ufficiali KTM.   KTM Finance è un marchio di KTM concesso in licenza d'uso a Santander Consumer Bank, la quale eroga il finanziamento ed è autorizzata e regolata dalle Autorità competenti Note legali: Annuncio pubblicitario con finalità promozionale. Esempio rappresentativo di finanziamento:  KTM 350 EXC-F  Prezzo €10.745, anticipo €3.745; importo totale del credito €7.000, da restituire in 30 rate mensili ognuna di €238,34 importo totale dovuto dal consumatore €7.262,08. TAN 0,00% (tasso fisso) –  TAEG 2,58% (tasso fisso) . Spese comprese nel costo totale del credito: interessi €0,20, di cui €0 quali interessi di preammortamento, istruttoria €150, incasso rata €3 cad. a mezzo SDD, produzione e invio lettera conferma contratto €1; comunicazione periodica annuale €1 cad.; imposta sostitutiva: €17,88. Offerta valida dal 01/02/2020 al 31/05/2020. Condizioni contrattuali ed economiche nelle “Informazioni europee di base sul credito ai consumatori” presso i concessionari e sul sito, sez. trasparenza. *Salvo approvazione di Santander Consumer Bank. Annuncio pubblicitario con finalità promozionale. Esempio rappresentativo di finanziamento:  KTM SX-F 250  MY 20 Prezzo €10.025, anticipo €3.025; importo totale del credito €7.000 da restituire in 30 rate mensili ognuna di €238,34 importo totale dovuto dal consumatore €7.262,08. TAN 0,00% (tasso fisso) –  TAEG 2,58% (tasso fisso).  Spese comprese nel costo totale del credito: interessi €0,20, di cui €0 quali interessi di preammortamento, istruttoria €150, incasso rata €3 cad. a mezzo SDD, produzione e invio lettera conferma contratto €1; comunicazione periodica annuale €1 cad.; imposta sostitutiva: €17,88. Offerta valida dal 01/02/2020 al 31/05/2020. Condizioni contrattuali ed economiche nelle “Informazioni europee di base sul credito ai consumatori” presso i concessionari e sul sito, sez. trasparenza. Salvo approvazione di Santander Consumer Bank.