


Race On is KTM’s state-of-the-art transponder keyless system which means the bike can be started or locked simply by carrying the key/transponder in your pocket or personal luggage close to the hub of the KTM. The bike will detect the proximity of the transponder and respond accordingly. The newest generations of ‘Race On’ come with ARA (Anti Relay Attack). ARA mode is an extra level of security which means the transponder needs to be activated before starting the ignition of the bike. There is a 10-minute window between activation and ignition, allowing enough time for final preparation before entering the saddle. If the KTM is not fired-up in that timeframe then the ARA deactivates and so do the keyless functions of the bike. A 5 minute ‘suspend mode’ comes into play when the bike is stopped during a ride, allowing time for refueling or a traffic issue before ARA needs to be disengaged once more through a button press on the transponder. The KTM can be locked through a simple button press and cannot be started once the Ride On is out of range. ARA can also be disengaged.

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